ok so i just got in form seeing plaster saw quinne and where she had been fucking SG stickers every where plaster rocked they remind me of like sublime meets every thing else it just rocks any ways on to quinne i did not talk to her cause i was like scared or something my god that girl is tinny as hell i would have never thought she was that tinny she really cute as a button to
it was well worth the hour and so drive up there the only down side was like i felt out of place i mean here in bristol some black bondage pants and i would fit in at 7th street and well knoxville is a collage town not thinking aobut that i walk in and i feel like uber punk every one else is like in bluejeans and t shirts any ways it was all worth it
now on to more sad news hel is gone and because of that noize got pissed and got kicked off the site u go boy u tell them how it is fuck the man fuck the system fuck the god damn rules
um so i moved caz up to my fav cause hel is gone and well i think hel tookt he place of emma so it just kind sucks but aslong as Caz , Emily, Quinne, Alexis, Cinder dont leave its all good now the only problem is that now i have no friend on here all my friend are SG wich i guess is not bad but i miss noize he was my buddy
oh well that about it
later days
update: 12:19 10/27/03
so as of this morning mom as kicked me out for my lip rings oh yeah that is so lovely oh yeah if i did not post in the journal above i got my lip pierced twice wich i got my venoms done they look bad ass i will post pics when i move back in so my journals maybe a little spratic

now on to more sad news hel is gone and because of that noize got pissed and got kicked off the site u go boy u tell them how it is fuck the man fuck the system fuck the god damn rules

um so i moved caz up to my fav cause hel is gone and well i think hel tookt he place of emma so it just kind sucks but aslong as Caz , Emily, Quinne, Alexis, Cinder dont leave its all good now the only problem is that now i have no friend on here all my friend are SG wich i guess is not bad but i miss noize he was my buddy

later days
update: 12:19 10/27/03
so as of this morning mom as kicked me out for my lip rings oh yeah that is so lovely oh yeah if i did not post in the journal above i got my lip pierced twice wich i got my venoms done they look bad ass i will post pics when i move back in so my journals maybe a little spratic
i love quinne
. i also love poison the well

I want to get my lip done again...i miss it..