oh my god had the best night ever its been such a long time since i have been this happy i mean really me and AJ went out
AJ is this girl i work with at cracker barrel she resently got divorced and i have always found her attractive so i stayed up all last night and went to cracker barrel early and asked her out for a movie tonight and suprisingly she said yes so that was good enough for me so then she is late so we have to go see a later movie witch gives us time to go get dinner so theres another plus there was some flirting and some looks but i did not make a move yet i gave her a hug at the end of the date though it was a long one then i asked her if she wanted to go to see PM5K or go to a show at 7th street friday after she gets off of work and she was like yeah give me a call so yeah it was great and i am just happy as hell right now well i will update soon later
AJ is this girl i work with at cracker barrel she resently got divorced and i have always found her attractive so i stayed up all last night and went to cracker barrel early and asked her out for a movie tonight and suprisingly she said yes so that was good enough for me so then she is late so we have to go see a later movie witch gives us time to go get dinner so theres another plus there was some flirting and some looks but i did not make a move yet i gave her a hug at the end of the date though it was a long one then i asked her if she wanted to go to see PM5K or go to a show at 7th street friday after she gets off of work and she was like yeah give me a call so yeah it was great and i am just happy as hell right now well i will update soon later
i did im you