'Pull your weight - pull your freight'.

So they say in The Deep System.The Brawling Beauty is no exception.

Seen here in orbit over the Moon (upper) and performing an exit burn over Europa with an extender deployed to balance the centre of thrust with the centre of mass owing to her asymmetrical payload.

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With their vast fleet of rugged mining ships, the Tourbillion Mining Group are quick to stand up to the threat of Eclipsis.

Equipping their mining pods with plasma cannons and missile barrels was an easy task but while their Redblade mining pods are durable, they are also slow.

Tourbillion would prefer a straight out fist-fight but Eclipsis hold on to no such sentiments - they
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I've passed 100,000 words on my sequel novel... And it feels good. I'm expecting 140-ish for the full thing so it's starting to feel like so close to finishing it.

To celebrate, here's a new render of the Brawling Beauty with some new paint parts - I've added red and black to the engines - she's a girl that likes ink. 😉


“In planetary news: Faulty gravimetric compensators have been blamed for the recent loss of two Cobalt Initiative vessels which burned up falling into the atmosfield above Pele recently, killing two pilots. The findings are unlikely to quash rife speculation that it followed a firefight as tension between Cobalt and the Eclipsis ships in orbit continues to grow. Both organisations insist that at present, they are
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The new Star Trek series, in particular, have been met with criticism from certain parts for being... 'too political.' Another comment I saw 'once upon an internet' was how it was ramming its woke agenda down our throats...

The inadequacy of their subject knowledge is startling and I am convinced, has nothing to do with science-fiction. SF has always been a platform for politics and
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I've been feeling the Beauty has been looking a little dull in plain white so I've been trying out some colour blocking to giver her paint job a bit more character.

Dark red (obviously) and I've gone for an asymmetrical arrangement becasue teh Beauty doesn't follow the rules. ; )

Love it ❤️‍🔥
Great one!

The Bechdel test is becoming more widely known as a way of gauging representation of women in media. It's not perfect but works, mostly because so many books, films and TV shows fail it.

Not afraid to face the facts, I have applied the test to my own book and compared the results to a well-respected science fiction film.

You have to get one green
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Playing around, admittedly. Here are 4 cover designs for my first novel styled for four different eras of cover-art... loosely.

I was told that my original had a 90s vibe so I thought 'What would a 00's or a twenteens cover look like?'

So here we have 90's

Early 00's

Late 00's or graphic novel

Twenteens poster art style.

I could do 2020's but it
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I love graphic design. So when my story resulted in only three of these ships, they all got their own emblem based on their names. It's taken ages but been a really fun project.

The difficulty was in keeping the style while representing the very different creatures and there are more scrapped doodles that I could count.

Anyway, here are the three designs with a
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I finished reading the first book of 'The Deep System' last night on Twitch and with it, completed the fourth draft.

What an experience! I've really enjoyed doing it - it wasn't a very interactive stream but that's not what people come for, I suppose. The streams are mostly watched afterwards on demand and I've been getting around ten views of each stream - which
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