I finished reading the first book of 'The Deep System' last night on Twitch and with it, completed the fourth draft.
What an experience! I've really enjoyed doing it - it wasn't a very interactive stream but that's not what people come for, I suppose. The streams are mostly watched afterwards on demand and I've been getting around ten views of each stream - which is more than I expected.
So what next? Well, I need to start querying agents while I continue to write the sequel. That will be a long and excruciating process. Such is the way of the publishing industry. I really want to give traditional publishing a good go. I know it's hard and full of silence and rejection but forewarned in forearmed.
The feedback I have had on my first book has been extremely positive in terms of the plot and the characters, especially the female ones, of which there are many. This gives me confidence that there is a market for my story and I will keep trying to get it out there to science fiction readers.
If you are interested and would like to see if it's your kind of thing, you can join our Discord and download the first book for free.
The Deep System Discord
We hope to see you there.