I did my first proper Twitch stream last night - the first of twelve sessions where I will read out my first novel - The Deep System: Boxrunner.
This session was a bit longer to get to the right point in the story before stopping but it took just under 2 hours to read the first 7 chapters (referred to as indices in the book because 'sci-fi' and 'I like to be different' 😂) The other sessions will be shorter at around 5 indices each.
I feel a bit like I'm doing 'Twitch for old people' 😂😂 by reading instead of gaming but if you've got housework to do or can just take in an audio story while you do your own creative hobbies, tune in an give it a listen, you don't need to watch the screen to enjoy the adventure.
The first session will be available on demand for two weeks with new sessions every Saturday at 10pm GMT (US: 5pm Eastern)