You know I really don't have much to say anymore. I don't know whether it's because i've become bored with SG or my life has just become monotonous. Either way, I'm at a loss for words.
I'm back at school supposedly working on my thesis. I got an email from someone yesterday mentioning that my thesis adviser was out of the country, that sort of caused me to lose inspiration to do work... which is silly because I'm doing it for myself, not my thesis adviser. Oh well, I'll get some work done before school starts.
I'm reading a kinda cool book called The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene. It's sort of a laymen's guide to string theory (the fundamental laws of the universe, that kind of thing). I put it off for awhile because I've been very skeptical of string theory, but then I decided to give it a chance and now I'm hooked. You should all go read it.
Oooh ooh, and I applied to go on a NOLS trip to Alaska for a month kayaking. I'm excited! Mildly nervous that I'm going to die but excited nonetheless. So thats whats going on in my life, how are you?
Comment people! I get offended when you dont comment!
You know I really don't have much to say anymore. I don't know whether it's because i've become bored with SG or my life has just become monotonous. Either way, I'm at a loss for words.
I'm back at school supposedly working on my thesis. I got an email from someone yesterday mentioning that my thesis adviser was out of the country, that sort of caused me to lose inspiration to do work... which is silly because I'm doing it for myself, not my thesis adviser. Oh well, I'll get some work done before school starts.
I'm reading a kinda cool book called The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene. It's sort of a laymen's guide to string theory (the fundamental laws of the universe, that kind of thing). I put it off for awhile because I've been very skeptical of string theory, but then I decided to give it a chance and now I'm hooked. You should all go read it.
Oooh ooh, and I applied to go on a NOLS trip to Alaska for a month kayaking. I'm excited! Mildly nervous that I'm going to die but excited nonetheless. So thats whats going on in my life, how are you?
Comment people! I get offended when you dont comment!
I'm a massage therapist. I work at a spa here in Chicago, and also out of my home. I'm going on an interview tomorrow for a part-time gig with a photographer doing varrious odds and ends at his studio. I used to live in NYC where I was a dancer and a freelance photo editor. Previously I worked at the New York Times Magazine, Fortune and Newsweek. Then I moved here, went back to school for a degree in Clinical Massage Therapy and have been doing that since May. It's hit or miss. Some days I'm really really busy and then I might go for a week and barely make enough to eat. But I'm still new at it, and confident I'll make it all work some time in the near future. I hope anyway....
haha yeah it hasn't been a very good last couple of weeks. I really like your photography....beautiful!