Warning... long boring rant about my academics... feel free to skip it and just leave something cute as a comment
Ahh, I can feel school starting up again. One of those distinctive feelings which tells me that classes are nearing is a burning hatred for beaucracy. This fall I'm taking a class on Vietnam in War/Peace which really focuses on the country of vietnam rather than the american involvement. It seemed logical that this class should count for my "diversity" credits, and I was puzzled as to why it was not. One of the reasons I want it to count is so that I can take either Russian literature or International Econ in the spring, rather than some bullshit online world music class that my border-collie could pass. I'm trying to be a GOOD student and get a WELL-ROUNDED and DEEP education. So I fill out the standard paper work to petition the vietnam class for diversity credit, I have my advisor sign off on it saying he "fully" supports it, my department head signs off on it and the college of engineering trumps it! They included a snotty note saying "if the course met the requirements for GI designation it would be so designated. The expert of the opinion of the instructor is needed to support the request". The insolence! If they thought that would get rid of me, HA, the assistant dean has an email from the instructor this morning
End rant
UPDATE: I won my grievance above, yay
Other than that, life is good. I've been bored up here. The freshman are moving in today. Maybe I'll be an Ole' Durty Senior and sit outside with a lawn chair and watch. Actually I'm going to lunch with my friends who are RA's at the freshman housing today, then I'm going home to Philly. This weekend I'm going to the US Open in NYC. Very exciting, but unfortunately the RNC is in NYC this weekend too. Fuck republicans, right?
Ahh, I can feel school starting up again. One of those distinctive feelings which tells me that classes are nearing is a burning hatred for beaucracy. This fall I'm taking a class on Vietnam in War/Peace which really focuses on the country of vietnam rather than the american involvement. It seemed logical that this class should count for my "diversity" credits, and I was puzzled as to why it was not. One of the reasons I want it to count is so that I can take either Russian literature or International Econ in the spring, rather than some bullshit online world music class that my border-collie could pass. I'm trying to be a GOOD student and get a WELL-ROUNDED and DEEP education. So I fill out the standard paper work to petition the vietnam class for diversity credit, I have my advisor sign off on it saying he "fully" supports it, my department head signs off on it and the college of engineering trumps it! They included a snotty note saying "if the course met the requirements for GI designation it would be so designated. The expert of the opinion of the instructor is needed to support the request". The insolence! If they thought that would get rid of me, HA, the assistant dean has an email from the instructor this morning
End rant
UPDATE: I won my grievance above, yay
Other than that, life is good. I've been bored up here. The freshman are moving in today. Maybe I'll be an Ole' Durty Senior and sit outside with a lawn chair and watch. Actually I'm going to lunch with my friends who are RA's at the freshman housing today, then I'm going home to Philly. This weekend I'm going to the US Open in NYC. Very exciting, but unfortunately the RNC is in NYC this weekend too. Fuck republicans, right?
yes, i have sadly accepted that fact. haha.
I started back to school today. I had my organic class this morning at 8am, fun stuff!!! How have things been? How was the US OPEN? Did you start classes today? Other than your Vietnam class what are you taking? I have 8am classes everyday, but it is ok because I am done early in the day. Have a good week.