I'm back from Europe! I know you all missed me. I'm definitely glad/ready to be home. 3 weeks of hotels and restaurant meals and stuff wears you down. Me and my brother definitely got sick of each other, and my dad drove us both out our fuckin minds in the one week he spent with us. He'll do that.
I was in England for a week. Went to the first two days of Wimbledon, a production of Hamlet and some touristy things like Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London. I recommend both of them though, especially the Abbey.
Italy was unbelievable too, definitely the best food of the trip. The town literally hadnt been touched in the last 200 years with the exception of electricity. I really didnt think those places existed anymore. Unfortunately the conference I was at took up WAY to much time, but I had to skip a good amount of it due to the fact that I was in Italy
The last leg of the trip was with my dad in Switzerland and Germany, with brief drives through Austria and, my new favorite country, Leichenstein
More touristy stuff, such as the Jungfrau, Ludwig the II's castles, and Hitler's eagles nest. I wouldnt STRONGLY recommend all of them, they all have sort of a Disney feel if you ask me. The most disappointing was Hitler's Eagle's Nest. It's four hours away from ANYTHING (such as Munich). I thought it would be this history significant Third Reich/WW II site but in actuality it's a place that Hitler only visited a few times. His actually hangout was blown up by the allies when they came through there in a pretty foul mood, and worst of all, the eagles nest is a RESTAURANT. A tourist trap restaurant on top of the Alps. The whole thing is a big money making scam, which most everything is, but some places make an effort to disguise that fact which is nice.
Two things I recommend from Germany if any of you ever have the chance are the concentration camp at Dachau and the Deusches Museums. It's an incredibly solemn and moving experience, even more than i thought it would. To their credit, the German's have left it very baron and really has the feel of hallowed grounds. They've done a really good job with the museum and moments at Dachau to give people a feel and understanding for what happened without adding any of the flash that they've added to a lot of the other german tourist sites. The Deusches Museum of science was really cool too, especially if you have a thing for Dynamics. They have a lot of cool dynamics there.
Well, anyway... it's very good to be back. If anyone actually read through all that, quick poll question. I just got a new laptop for a lot of money and it has ONE dud pixel. Send it back? It's VERY minute, but on the other hand it will probably annoy me for years if i dont... but then again ill have to go without my new computer for like two weeks.. hrmm.. thoughts?
I was in England for a week. Went to the first two days of Wimbledon, a production of Hamlet and some touristy things like Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London. I recommend both of them though, especially the Abbey.
Italy was unbelievable too, definitely the best food of the trip. The town literally hadnt been touched in the last 200 years with the exception of electricity. I really didnt think those places existed anymore. Unfortunately the conference I was at took up WAY to much time, but I had to skip a good amount of it due to the fact that I was in Italy
The last leg of the trip was with my dad in Switzerland and Germany, with brief drives through Austria and, my new favorite country, Leichenstein
Two things I recommend from Germany if any of you ever have the chance are the concentration camp at Dachau and the Deusches Museums. It's an incredibly solemn and moving experience, even more than i thought it would. To their credit, the German's have left it very baron and really has the feel of hallowed grounds. They've done a really good job with the museum and moments at Dachau to give people a feel and understanding for what happened without adding any of the flash that they've added to a lot of the other german tourist sites. The Deusches Museum of science was really cool too, especially if you have a thing for Dynamics. They have a lot of cool dynamics there.
Well, anyway... it's very good to be back. If anyone actually read through all that, quick poll question. I just got a new laptop for a lot of money and it has ONE dud pixel. Send it back? It's VERY minute, but on the other hand it will probably annoy me for years if i dont... but then again ill have to go without my new computer for like two weeks.. hrmm.. thoughts?
haha, that's right. I did it just for you!
it's my pet millipeeeeeeede. his name is 'bitch.' courtesy of kikka.