Last night was interesting. I went to the orchestra with my dad. Last time we went to the orchestra he got in a verbal-but-inching-ever-to-close-to-physical fight with the usher. I'm really not into breaking up fights between sixty year old men at the symphony. Something seems wrong with that picture. I was a little nervous this time because by the time we got there he was pretty drunk. So anyway, no fight broke lose. Aparently they have an understanding that they just give each other dirty looks and don't say anything. Fair enough.
We had dinner at this tiny place in Philly. I prefer slightly bigger restaurants. I sort of feel like I'm sitting in everyone else lap in the restaurant when theres 10 tables crammed into a small room. I had crepes and salmon and some VSOP to top it off. Yum
I went over to my friends and watched silence of the lambs. We put it on at midnight, it's a two hour movie, and it ended at 3AM. Damn daylight savings. I'm a pussy about staying up late, 'cause i never sleep late so now im gunna be tired all day! I love that movie, though. I hadnt seen it in years and now it's going in my favorites.
I'm not sure what I'm upto today. I had a quasi-date with my friend whose home at the same time I am but... my other friend just broke up with her boyfriend at least temporarily and she's having a hardtime. Her life's been nothing but struggles. Some people respond to repeated adversity with strength and stubborn determination but I'm worried she's not that type. She's an orphan, her dad committed suicide when she was little, they've never been fed with a silver spoon. She developed a lot of problems because of this and the guy that shes been with for two years did a lot to straighten them out. I lived across the street from her basically my whole life growing up so she's one of my very oldest friends and needless to say I'm a little worried. I dont really care about my date tonight. Friend's first, no doubt.
Ugh, I really should do some homework. Me and Neko are fighting apathy together, aparently. Although when we decided this I'm pretty sure I distracted her from her work for over an hour. The irony. Hope all is well
We had dinner at this tiny place in Philly. I prefer slightly bigger restaurants. I sort of feel like I'm sitting in everyone else lap in the restaurant when theres 10 tables crammed into a small room. I had crepes and salmon and some VSOP to top it off. Yum

I went over to my friends and watched silence of the lambs. We put it on at midnight, it's a two hour movie, and it ended at 3AM. Damn daylight savings. I'm a pussy about staying up late, 'cause i never sleep late so now im gunna be tired all day! I love that movie, though. I hadnt seen it in years and now it's going in my favorites.
I'm not sure what I'm upto today. I had a quasi-date with my friend whose home at the same time I am but... my other friend just broke up with her boyfriend at least temporarily and she's having a hardtime. Her life's been nothing but struggles. Some people respond to repeated adversity with strength and stubborn determination but I'm worried she's not that type. She's an orphan, her dad committed suicide when she was little, they've never been fed with a silver spoon. She developed a lot of problems because of this and the guy that shes been with for two years did a lot to straighten them out. I lived across the street from her basically my whole life growing up so she's one of my very oldest friends and needless to say I'm a little worried. I dont really care about my date tonight. Friend's first, no doubt.
Ugh, I really should do some homework. Me and Neko are fighting apathy together, aparently. Although when we decided this I'm pretty sure I distracted her from her work for over an hour. The irony. Hope all is well

haha yeah i've deleted/declined like probably 30 people by now to keep my friends list on picture-mode. as soon as i find someone to delete though, you're all over that shit 

i've got a few of those feynman lectures on mp3. if there's one or two you're just itching to listen to, name them. maybe i've got them and i could send 'em to ya.