I think im going to vent...
I'm not one to usually give a rats ass about what other people think about me.
Like for real, if you knew my mother you would know why.
Growing up, My family was the only white family in a 5 block radius and in high school being not only white, but jewish was like being an alien.
So I'm serious about the I don't give a shit attitude.
But I decided to join this site. And this site involves what people think a lot.
Im putting my bare ass on the internet, and depending on what other people think, I may or may not get paid for doing so. I mean its a lot more than that, but to sum it up it goes a lil something like that.
All of that being sad, I thought I would let people know where im coming from so its not misunderstood.
I work hella hard. I work 2 jobs, go to school and smoke a ton of pot in order to sleep. I have dreams of one day becoming a supper happy, wealthy interior designer living in a house that I designed with my gorgeous husband and eventually have cute little ones running about. I know gross huh?
Suicide for me is my outlet. Its my place to go and look and interact with beautiful, confident, proud, unique women who are most of the time supper down to earth. i love that about it. and i feel so comfortable to share myself with you all.
Not only that, but i really have met great girls that I know are very hard to find.
To be real i feel like i rarely hit the "not for me" button just because all i keep hearing in my head is "who am I to judge"
Thanks to everybody who has given me love and support.
I truly appreciate your ability to like "me" without knowing "me".

Im still excited to see where all this may take us all...
this is Luana, signing off...

Oh wait!! my girl Rockezi has a set coming March 4th!!
I'm not one to usually give a rats ass about what other people think about me.
Like for real, if you knew my mother you would know why.
Growing up, My family was the only white family in a 5 block radius and in high school being not only white, but jewish was like being an alien.
So I'm serious about the I don't give a shit attitude.
But I decided to join this site. And this site involves what people think a lot.
Im putting my bare ass on the internet, and depending on what other people think, I may or may not get paid for doing so. I mean its a lot more than that, but to sum it up it goes a lil something like that.
All of that being sad, I thought I would let people know where im coming from so its not misunderstood.
I work hella hard. I work 2 jobs, go to school and smoke a ton of pot in order to sleep. I have dreams of one day becoming a supper happy, wealthy interior designer living in a house that I designed with my gorgeous husband and eventually have cute little ones running about. I know gross huh?
Suicide for me is my outlet. Its my place to go and look and interact with beautiful, confident, proud, unique women who are most of the time supper down to earth. i love that about it. and i feel so comfortable to share myself with you all.
Not only that, but i really have met great girls that I know are very hard to find.
To be real i feel like i rarely hit the "not for me" button just because all i keep hearing in my head is "who am I to judge"
Thanks to everybody who has given me love and support.
I truly appreciate your ability to like "me" without knowing "me".

Im still excited to see where all this may take us all...
this is Luana, signing off...

Oh wait!! my girl Rockezi has a set coming March 4th!!
They should pay you double, just for being here.

=) thanks for accepting my friendship!