Ouch, this week has been rough. I sometimes revel in the fact that I'm a complete train wreck. One that can be found dancing drunk alone in her apartment at 1am on a Wednesday night just to forget about everything else. One that ends up laying down on the floor with her pup and staring off into space for a long while, trying to block...
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aww *hugs*
I almost always nearly fall asleep when getting a tattoo.

Did you have a reference piece - maybe a watercolor - for that ink?
Yes, yes, I agree. I'm not much of a pain-monger, so to speak, myself either. It's funny because your description of your ex-boyfriend is very similar to my experiences getting tattooed with my ex-boyfriend - at least the relative differences between how we reacted and such. What is particularly interesting, though, is this very same boy (whom I still consider myself quite close with) just got a yellow bird tattooed on his arm, referencing the same line. It's part of his Bright Eyes sleeve, which is primarily focused around a woman dropping coins into a well (whole billfold if I thought it would help?)...

I also agree with your love of Japanese paintings. I don't know how many more tattoos I want, I doubt I'll ever be covered, but I do know that I want one Art Nouveau stylized sinuous line tattoo and one watercolor Japanese painting inspired tattoo. Just for the record!
Tonight I get my tattoo. I'm freaking excited...
well i'm glad to see that you got over all the troubled times you have had, & the tatoo sounds really cool, how'd the last 1 feel gettin it?

well my 1st tat is around my wrist, its just a checker band around my left which you can kinda see in my pics. & my next tat is goin to be my families coat of arms

on my lower abdomen below my belly button

i get back either end of april or begining of may, but yah we will most def. have to hang out

this is my wrist piece
I'm not sure how much I like multiple men coming after me all at once. Especially when you're rather fond of ONE of them and have to let all the others down if anything does go anywhere with that. Hmmm...

I slept at two different people's places this weekend. The first I enjoyed greatly. I've known the kid for a while, since I went to...
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So who wants a girlfriend that is a freak? Anyone?

One who enjoys excessive nudity. One who aspires to be a Suicide Girl. One who has a large, ever-growing pet collection? One who can't turn away a stray. A girl who loves animals too much. One who wants to travel and see the world. One who likes to drink. One who enjoys the occasional trip...
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Thanks! biggrin I know how lucky I am, trust me. It's a friend of mine that owns a shop not a 10 minute walk from where I live that does all my work, a little 'too' handy. tongue

You say you're lookin' to be someone's girlfriend?? biggrin wink
i just want to say i really love your pictures
I'm single again. And it hurts, but not as badly as last time.

I've been thinking these past few weeks, almost expecting this to happen, although I didn't expect it so soon.
I deserve better, I know. He tells me I'm not the same person he fell in love with, he's been miserable these few weeks we've been together, our relationship wasn't going anywhere, etc....
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Life sucks and we also all end up dying.
I miss my Michigan. Which is really ironic because I've been doing nothing but nonstop bitching about the snow. But somehow Michigan had a different feel, which made me not care if it snowed or not. I loved the people there. *pout* I'm hoping to make a trip back to stay in Ann Arbor (where I lived last spring) for Spring break this year. I...
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You are so cute! I love your nice comments in the hopefulls group!

awww the offer is appreciated kiss kiss More kisses for you young lady!
I have managed to develop a fairly impressive migraine. I have also managed to do little cleaning today. Which needs to be done badly.

My boyfriend has also failed to show up. *sigh*

We have a snow advisory from 9pm until 12pm tomorrow. I am not looking forward to this. For I have a ton of work to do in the Design building and I...
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I am really sick of winter already. Call me a wimp, I don't give a fuck. From the moment I step outside to the moment I reach the safety and warmth of indoors there is a constant stream of "Fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyou..." going through my head and occassionally falling out of my mouth (which I get some rather amusing glances for).

Whoever invented winter and temperatures below...
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I also hate snow when I have to go out in it. I'm so skipping school when it snows or I'll break my legs surreal
I need to go down a lil' hill on my path to school but it's pretty steep and already very troublesome in heels....so NO forget it, I'm not going with snow tongue