All in all it was a good weekend. Basically consisted of way too little sleep, a whole lot of amazing friends and meeting new people, a lot of alcohol, a lot of freaking music, and just general chaos. I fucking loved every minute of it. Minus the hangover I had Saturday morning.
Drinking started at 4pm on Friday for me. Went to watch Adelynne and The Vandon Arms at the Battle of the Bands. Jo and Audrey showed up. Went to the mall and got a new dress (its freaking hot, I'll get pictures later). Headed back and got pulled over for Jo squealing the tires of my car. Got out of trouble as soon as they figured out who I was (sergeant's daughter) and went on our way to mix jungle juice. Got drunk. Saliva was fun shit. I dragged my friend Chris into the middle of the fucking crowd, he's my size, so we were two small kids surrounded by a bunch of larger jumping guys. I got my ass handed to me, Chris kept me on my feet thankfully. I ended up passing out in his bed, woke up around 8am feeling like hell and walked around the building outside and crawled into Dan's window where I woke everybody else up.
Made my way home at 10am and slept until 2pm. Jo and Audrey and Frank all showed up. I got ready, we went back to Dan's to grill out. Matt tagged along also. Started drinking again later that night after I ran into my friend Meghan. Got a lot of free alcohol. Lost all my other friends way earlier by the way because they decided to not show up when they said the would. Left without them. I dragged Matt into the middle of the crowd again. He ended up leaving me there alone, surrounded again by people much larger than I. Couldn't find Dan, so I was on my fucking own. I seriously think I got something in my foot broken from getting stomped on so hard. I have nasty bruises all up and down the backs of my legs and all over my arms. It was 100% worth it though.
Found Dan finally. And Audrey. We left and watched fireworks, went to a Keg, poured beer all over some asshole's floor for being a prick and went back to Dan's for a bit. Jo and Frank showed up not happy with me because I wasn't around when they decided to show up again. Whatever. I ended up staying at Dan's with Dan and another kid, we sat on the bathroom floor and talked for two hours while everybody else was seeing Mike Jones. Apparently it sucked, so I'm glad I didn't waste my time or very little amount of energy I had left.
I ended up sleeping over at Dan's. Four other people ended up crashing in his room too. They were all fun shit and once they figured out I acted like them they quit treating me like an outsider. And by 'acting like them' I mean not like the girls they're usually around. Yup.
But yeah, all in all a good fucking weekend. All day today I just lounged around Dan's and watched t.v. and movies all day. My clothes were dirty and soaked so I chilled out in Dan's TMNT pants and Batman shirt. Ahahaha. Gawd, I am the sex.
Yeah. It was amazing. I feel like I've been hit by a few very large trucks but I don't care. My sore body, bruises, and minor injuries are worth it.
Drinking started at 4pm on Friday for me. Went to watch Adelynne and The Vandon Arms at the Battle of the Bands. Jo and Audrey showed up. Went to the mall and got a new dress (its freaking hot, I'll get pictures later). Headed back and got pulled over for Jo squealing the tires of my car. Got out of trouble as soon as they figured out who I was (sergeant's daughter) and went on our way to mix jungle juice. Got drunk. Saliva was fun shit. I dragged my friend Chris into the middle of the fucking crowd, he's my size, so we were two small kids surrounded by a bunch of larger jumping guys. I got my ass handed to me, Chris kept me on my feet thankfully. I ended up passing out in his bed, woke up around 8am feeling like hell and walked around the building outside and crawled into Dan's window where I woke everybody else up.
Made my way home at 10am and slept until 2pm. Jo and Audrey and Frank all showed up. I got ready, we went back to Dan's to grill out. Matt tagged along also. Started drinking again later that night after I ran into my friend Meghan. Got a lot of free alcohol. Lost all my other friends way earlier by the way because they decided to not show up when they said the would. Left without them. I dragged Matt into the middle of the crowd again. He ended up leaving me there alone, surrounded again by people much larger than I. Couldn't find Dan, so I was on my fucking own. I seriously think I got something in my foot broken from getting stomped on so hard. I have nasty bruises all up and down the backs of my legs and all over my arms. It was 100% worth it though.
Found Dan finally. And Audrey. We left and watched fireworks, went to a Keg, poured beer all over some asshole's floor for being a prick and went back to Dan's for a bit. Jo and Frank showed up not happy with me because I wasn't around when they decided to show up again. Whatever. I ended up staying at Dan's with Dan and another kid, we sat on the bathroom floor and talked for two hours while everybody else was seeing Mike Jones. Apparently it sucked, so I'm glad I didn't waste my time or very little amount of energy I had left.
I ended up sleeping over at Dan's. Four other people ended up crashing in his room too. They were all fun shit and once they figured out I acted like them they quit treating me like an outsider. And by 'acting like them' I mean not like the girls they're usually around. Yup.
But yeah, all in all a good fucking weekend. All day today I just lounged around Dan's and watched t.v. and movies all day. My clothes were dirty and soaked so I chilled out in Dan's TMNT pants and Batman shirt. Ahahaha. Gawd, I am the sex.
Yeah. It was amazing. I feel like I've been hit by a few very large trucks but I don't care. My sore body, bruises, and minor injuries are worth it.

band battles are awesome!
bruises and minor injuries spice up your life and give you a reminder that you are alive!
Im super x200 envy factor right now.