Less Than Jake kicked ASS. I also got my ass handed to me. I got dragged into a huge circle pit with Joanna during one of the last songs. This kid just came up behind us as we were watching and shoved us in, which was very amusing. We went around once and tried to get back out but then Dan was like, "NOPE! Get back in there." and dragged us back into it and followed along behind. We only made it halfway around because by that time people were shoving HARD. Somebody came flying out of nowhere and stiff-armed us. I was on the ground before I even realized what happened. Joanna's head landed on my arm thankfully, mine however, landed on the cement and nearly knocked me stupid, somebody also stomped on my shoulder hard. Thankfully I grabbed my glasses before they were destroyed and somebody else grabbed Dan's hat that I had in my hands and returned it to me. I couldn't stand up straight when I got picked up and the kid that was holding me up looked worried so I shook it off and dragged Jo the rest of the way around and out of it. We left the crowd and it turned out I had blood dripping all over my back from hitting my head. I have a pretty nice gash. I have never been so fucking sore in my life. But it was all so worth it. I wanted to go back in but Jo and Josh wouldn't let me because of the whole dripping blood thing.
All in all it was a good night. We went back to Dan's room and watched Fight Club. Jo and Josh went home and I spent the night on Dan's futon. Didn't sleep very well, because I kept rolling over and hurting my head, but, eh. I still have blood on my shirt. I'm so hardcore. Hah...
Next weekend will be amazing. Veisha 2007. Should prove to be fun times.
Oh yeah, I got my new glasses in. The ones that nearly got obliterated last night in all the stomping and shoving, I would have been uber-pissed. I'm in love....
All in all it was a good night. We went back to Dan's room and watched Fight Club. Jo and Josh went home and I spent the night on Dan's futon. Didn't sleep very well, because I kept rolling over and hurting my head, but, eh. I still have blood on my shirt. I'm so hardcore. Hah...
Next weekend will be amazing. Veisha 2007. Should prove to be fun times.
Oh yeah, I got my new glasses in. The ones that nearly got obliterated last night in all the stomping and shoving, I would have been uber-pissed. I'm in love....
And my hair is this weird pink rose color.
My purple faded out because it didn't stick the way it should have due to all the other colors in my hair. Oh well. I was planning on dying it again today, but, no can do now...it'll have to wait until I heal up a bit. Lame.
My throat still hurts