For fucks sake. I flipped out at my father while sitting on the bus. I was literally screaming into the phone and the other passengers looked freaked out. I was nearly in hysterics. You DON'T talk badly about somebody who just fucking DIED to a girl that was his fucking friend. You stupid ignorant asshole. And then he went on to critisize me about how much money I'm taking out for college. Yeah, guess what asshole, you never fucking WENT, so how do you know what is best? You DON'T, so don't act like I'm an idiot when I'm struggling to make ends meet. And don't tell me to get a goddamn job when I'm already staying up until 4am nearly every night trying to get all my fucking work done. I'm doing the fucking best I can, and where are you? You're down there, too focused on your life and your amazing new house and awesome new car and two brand new motorcycles to care. You can afford all that but can't lend me $50 so I can fucking eat for a month. You can't even be bothered to call me on my fucking birthday. You self-centered PRICK.
If ya want I can show ya how to run a wire from his engine to his gas tank, and when he starts his new car, kaboom! Or just higher someone to rob him, fence the items, and split the cash with you, insurance will cover the loseses. Hey hey! easy money!