So, I'm making my way to a 0 gauge. And stopping there for a while. I have to be honest, I don't know how I got this far, because I'm a big baby and this hurts like a bitch.
Oh, my hair is pink now. That's fun.
And I have a series of amazing shows to go to. Thanks to knowing (and formerly dating the guitarist) from Adelynne I get to see some awesome bands for free and most likely get to meet them.
Like Less Than Jake and Bedouin Soundclash. I'm freaking excited. <3
Um, no job yet. And no money either.
Working with a photographer on Wed. this week. May or may not turn out to be a shoot for SG. May just end up being for fun and then we'll plan on another date to do an actual set. I cannot wait.
I have a month of school left and so much to do. I fear for my sanity still. I have a massive final paper due on Monday next week and I have yet to pick out a topic for it. Ugh.
Oh, my hair is pink now. That's fun.
And I have a series of amazing shows to go to. Thanks to knowing (and formerly dating the guitarist) from Adelynne I get to see some awesome bands for free and most likely get to meet them.

Um, no job yet. And no money either.
Working with a photographer on Wed. this week. May or may not turn out to be a shoot for SG. May just end up being for fun and then we'll plan on another date to do an actual set. I cannot wait.

I have a month of school left and so much to do. I fear for my sanity still. I have a massive final paper due on Monday next week and I have yet to pick out a topic for it. Ugh.

No job? That's your own damn fault. No money? Well that's just college life!
Hurray, can't wait for your set!