Why do the boys laugh when I'm laying under a my girl's car helping her change the oil? :\ Stupid sexist bastards...just because I'm a fucking girl doesn't mean I know nothing. Bite me.
I had an amazing drunken week of pure fun back down home, my little hick town with all my hick friends. Amazing. Although last night I managed to biff it on top of the dog carrier. Brought my elbow down directly on the metal bar sticking up out of the top and ended up rolling on the ground in tears and hysterics for a good five minutes. My hand is still numb on one side and my whole arm aches like a bitch. I have a lovely collection of bruises to boot.
I need laid. No joke. Its been too long. I'm going crazy.
I had creepy boys with girlfriends trying to talk their drunk asses into my pants. I turned them right back around. I don't mess with that shit.
My girl is coming up tomorrow to spend the weekend with me. Should prove to be amazing. We'll probably hit up the club. Again. Because that's what I did on my birthday. And we got crazy and had all the boys drooling and following us around. I punched a guy in the stomach for getting too grabby though. Prick.
I had an amazing drunken week of pure fun back down home, my little hick town with all my hick friends. Amazing. Although last night I managed to biff it on top of the dog carrier. Brought my elbow down directly on the metal bar sticking up out of the top and ended up rolling on the ground in tears and hysterics for a good five minutes. My hand is still numb on one side and my whole arm aches like a bitch. I have a lovely collection of bruises to boot.
I need laid. No joke. Its been too long. I'm going crazy.
I had creepy boys with girlfriends trying to talk their drunk asses into my pants. I turned them right back around. I don't mess with that shit.
My girl is coming up tomorrow to spend the weekend with me. Should prove to be amazing. We'll probably hit up the club. Again. Because that's what I did on my birthday. And we got crazy and had all the boys drooling and following us around. I punched a guy in the stomach for getting too grabby though. Prick.

well you can help me change mine when i get back. only 2-6 weeks can you wait? yah i feel sorry about last night, but at least your home now
I'm a guy and I know very little about cars, just spent 600 bucks getting my car fixed (in a matter of 4 days), so I'm broke, as for the getting laid part....well, I haven't been laid in awhile too...sooooooo