Waiting around for a photographer. Impatiently.
Any suggestions? I'm considering doing a self-shot set but I honestly just don't feel like I have everything I need to do it well. So, I don't know. I'm getting everything else uploaded finally though.
Honda Civic Tour in Chicago and Bonnarroo are definitely future trips for me. No questions asked. I'll be wasted in more ways than one at the latter with my girl Anna. <3 She's amazing.
I'm praying for Friday's sweet release already, I'm sick of the all-nighters that have plagued me these past few weeks. Seriously, the weekends have been like an utter utopia and then the week days come back around and I'm buried under a mountain of homework. Oi.
My skin is horribly dry and that is not cool. I hate Iowa's winter weather. Thankfully though its warmed up drastically and the snow has been melting. There is actually some moisture in the air. Which means my skin isn't going to bleed if I accidentally scratch myself. e_e;;;;
Mmmhmmmm, homework and then bed. <3

Honda Civic Tour in Chicago and Bonnarroo are definitely future trips for me. No questions asked. I'll be wasted in more ways than one at the latter with my girl Anna. <3 She's amazing.
I'm praying for Friday's sweet release already, I'm sick of the all-nighters that have plagued me these past few weeks. Seriously, the weekends have been like an utter utopia and then the week days come back around and I'm buried under a mountain of homework. Oi.
My skin is horribly dry and that is not cool. I hate Iowa's winter weather. Thankfully though its warmed up drastically and the snow has been melting. There is actually some moisture in the air. Which means my skin isn't going to bleed if I accidentally scratch myself. e_e;;;;
Mmmhmmmm, homework and then bed. <3
oh yea, the cold iowa weather sucks. my skin is also dry as shit. hope we don't get slammed with those 12'' of snow this weekend.