My arm is iiiiiitchy. Ahahahaha....I'm fighting the urge to claw the shit out of it. >________> And this whole scabby-peeling-dryskin thing is uber sexy.
I will be glad when this is done healing. Its all worth it, no worries, its the the mad itching that's making me fidget in my seat. XD
I have never been so glad to see a Friday roll around. Tonight my friend Anna is coming up. <3 I miss her tons. We will spend our time drinking and generally getting into some form of trouble. Pictures will follow.
I'm sure this weekend will be a blur of alcohol, crazy Anna and I in our underwear at some point (it always happens), hangovers, long hours spent hunched over a drawing table in Design, and more alcohol. <3 Yesssss.
I loved my tattoo to begin with but I've gotten SO MANY nice comments about it. I have so many friends now on their way to make appointments to get tattoos done after they saw mine. Makes me feel a little bit cool.
I'm painting up color plans for my next tattoo. I'd planned on waiting a little while between the two, but, I'm impatient. I've known I've wanted these for a long freaking time. The next will be done in the same Japanese painting style, but this time I have to come up with the way the colors will blend on my own, since this one is based entirely on my own idea. <3 Its a koi with wings, just so you know.
I imagine I'll be getting it within a few weeks after the first one has finished healing.
I will also be getting pierced again. Most likely an industrial. Maybe a nipple or two. Undecided yet.

I have never been so glad to see a Friday roll around. Tonight my friend Anna is coming up. <3 I miss her tons. We will spend our time drinking and generally getting into some form of trouble. Pictures will follow.

I loved my tattoo to begin with but I've gotten SO MANY nice comments about it. I have so many friends now on their way to make appointments to get tattoos done after they saw mine. Makes me feel a little bit cool.

I'm painting up color plans for my next tattoo. I'd planned on waiting a little while between the two, but, I'm impatient. I've known I've wanted these for a long freaking time. The next will be done in the same Japanese painting style, but this time I have to come up with the way the colors will blend on my own, since this one is based entirely on my own idea. <3 Its a koi with wings, just so you know.

I will also be getting pierced again. Most likely an industrial. Maybe a nipple or two. Undecided yet.