So, a week at home was a rather long and boring drag of time. But, I got through it, spend some time with my sister and that was fun. Got my prescription for anti-depressants, feeling better already. Although my boyfriend did manage to get me sick with whatever he had, and I'm a little loopy thanks to the sudafed. I was squirming in my chair all through Philosophy.
I imagine I looked rather silly.
Saw and old friend from highschool on the bus home and talked to her. That was nice. Got home before it started pouring down rain (like it is now) and that is nice. I'm a little worried about upcoming tests and such, but all I can do is my best, right?
I'm considering switching my major to Literary Studies with a focus in Creative Writing. And taking Photography classes on the side. And a drawing class here and there. *shrugs* I think that sounds better than toruturing myself through three years of chemistry and biology. Although I do want to find a way to help the environment (mainly wildlife) I think the academia here is more focused on state-park work, rather than giving me what I need to go to the places I want to go. I think I can do volunteer work in those areas when I want to. Yeah...I think that sounds good.
And now, I'm off to nap and then do some reading and studying. Wish me luck.
Oh and P.S. I am saddened by the fact that the Suicide Girls are opening for Gun N' Roses here in Ames and I will not have the funds to purchase a ticket. *sad face*

Saw and old friend from highschool on the bus home and talked to her. That was nice. Got home before it started pouring down rain (like it is now) and that is nice. I'm a little worried about upcoming tests and such, but all I can do is my best, right?
I'm considering switching my major to Literary Studies with a focus in Creative Writing. And taking Photography classes on the side. And a drawing class here and there. *shrugs* I think that sounds better than toruturing myself through three years of chemistry and biology. Although I do want to find a way to help the environment (mainly wildlife) I think the academia here is more focused on state-park work, rather than giving me what I need to go to the places I want to go. I think I can do volunteer work in those areas when I want to. Yeah...I think that sounds good.
And now, I'm off to nap and then do some reading and studying. Wish me luck.
Oh and P.S. I am saddened by the fact that the Suicide Girls are opening for Gun N' Roses here in Ames and I will not have the funds to purchase a ticket. *sad face*