Hello everyone! It's been quite a while since I've last blogged. I've been having some issues with links and photos... But here's what's been going on!
First, I would like to thank everyone for their love on Prisma! With your help we were able to make this set SOTD recently :)
Aside from that I've been working really hard on setting up my twitch! I'm working on doing some creative streams in addition to gaming. Hopefully you'll see me on the SG twitch soon too ;) You can follow my twitch here: twitch.tv/luapls. Make sure you add notifications so you can see when I'm streaming! Next week I start on my costume progress for Wondercon!
Wondercon is already so close I can't wait! We are about a month away already. I'll be there at the SG booth all weekend if you'd like to say hi! We are booth #2104
I also have another set coming to member review this April. it's really amazing and I think you guys will love it!
Well that's it for updates at the moment be sure to keep up with me on instagram & twitter - @luasuicide! :)