I feel like I get this question a lot. I feel like I never have the right answer for when people ask me in it. But I want to share a personal story with you guys. But again.. This blog is personal. I've been dying my hair for about 10 years now. With colors all over the spectrum. When I turned 17 I started using more colors and filling out my head - basically some cool shit haha
When I turned 18 I started dating a boy. He was my best friend for a few years and we always had this .. Lingering sort of romance. I believed things were great at times. I believed that he loved me and never would hurt me. That he would yell at me because he loved me. That when he called me names for how I dressed it was because he wanted to protect me.
I was so naive. I had let this guy control every little bit about my life. What I wore, what I did, who I hungout with. And of course - my hair. He would often tell me that I did things to intentionally upset him. I don't see why this one was ever an issue but he would often complain that I didn't dye my hair to his standards.. Which eventually led me to dying it all black.
Fast forwarding a bit. We split up. I was crushed at first. Truly upset. Until I looked into our relationship and realized how unhealthy it was. I was embarrassed. I was upset at myself for not realizing the situation I was in.. While I was in it. And I swore to myself I would never be in that situation again.
About a week later I dyed my hair rainbow. Impulsive decision and easily one of the best I've ever had. It was a reminder to myself that I would never let myself be in that situation again. That no one owns me & therefor I do not owe them anything. A reminder to myself to do things that make me happy- even if it's something simple like a hair change
I'm sorry if this blog is a bit all over the place. But I did want to share this with you guys to raise a bit of awareness of unhealthy / focus relationships. I'll probably be retiring the rainbow soon and going for something else colorful and fun.. It's been an epic 3 years wifh if.