Hello everyone long time no blog!
I hope you are all doing well and I apologize for my absence from the site. I am still very much shooting and working for SG. However life has been so nuts! (On top of my blog posts constantly glitching and never posting.. Crossing my fingers for this one!)
I've been traveling a lot for conventions and when I'm not at a con I am either working on a new costume or working in general at one of my many jobs! I have lots of conventions and events coming up and I am so happy to say I'll be working for SG at SDCC this year so I hope to meet you all there! :)
In addition to this I'll be streaming weekly on my own periscope account so I can keep up with you guys! It's under "lua suicide" as well. I plan to steam Monday or Wednesday nights between 7-9 EST!
I wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who checked out my newest set on the FP a few days ago! Tried to post this the day it aired but again blog issues :( It really makes my day when I get to wakeup and see my front page on here. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.. It wouldn't happen without you guys! Don't forget to check out my two sets in Member review Prisma & In Bloom! They both have so much love on them and I would love to see them FP!
Also I've been reading a lot of comics and catching up with some anime on my down time so if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know! You guys usually have tons of suggestions heheh
Sorry for such a short blog but I'll be back again this week with some SG homework and photos! For now I'll leave you with a couple uncensored in cosplay polaroids shot by @tmronin a couple months back