Just a quick blog to express how much I love you guys!
Thank you for supporting me so much already. Though here, Instagram, tumblr etc. I try to read all of my messages and respond quickly. I am so happy and I am so grateful for SG. I'm so happy with the life long friendships I've made with other hopefuls, SG's. I'm so happy I always have new members to share stories with. My life has been better since I finally decided to continue my SG application.. My mom even stumbled upon a few pictures and responded with this
Her typing / spelling always makes me laugh.
I wasn't ready to tell her but I'm stoked she's cool with it.
I've been working hard for years to get the courage to finally do SG. I'm happy I have a supportive group of friends, family and an awesome boyfriend. I hope i have what it takes to go pink.
Here's a few pictures for you guys from kalidescope. I hope y'all love this set! I can't wait for you guys to see it.
Love you guys! Xo Lua.
Her typing / spelling always makes me laugh.
I've been working hard for years to get the courage to finally do SG. I'm happy I have a supportive group of friends, family and an awesome boyfriend. I hope i have what it takes to go pink.
Here's a few pictures for you guys from kalidescope. I hope y'all love this set! I can't wait for you guys to see it.
Love you guys! Xo Lua.
Thank you for following me.
AWWW!! i cant wait till we meet in person, thats such a sweet text! ^_^