Hi folks.
So, this last week has been great. Not at all, but in a lot of moments.
Last Friday I went out with Fergs and Tyler to the Matrix bar. I love Ferguie from a long time, and Tyler is the sweetest of them all. As usual we drunk, talked about all kinds of stuff, danced and laughed a lot. It was awesome, I must say. So there was this friend of Fergs that I thought that was gy through the entire night, and he was with us, talking and dancing and all the stuff.
And then Fergs left and both him and me went to the subway to get home, and he takes me and we start kissing!! And was this way I ended up in a hotel room with a bi ahahhahahhaha It was QUITE wierd.
Monday I quit my job, so I'm looking for another one. you know when all you try to do at a job just don't work?? Yep, that's it.
And Wednesday was Fergs birthday, and we went to another place,where I met a lot of people, both from an animation firm that were there, and Fergs friends. And I loved them. Then we left the place to Leo's house, slept there and had loads of fun too with internet videos such as Francine's from Curitiba (a drunk girl telling her sexual preferences to a camera during a party) and that kind of thing. It was pretty cool too.
oh, and there's the pictures to prove it:
(they look awful, but who cares)
fergs and me
fergs and tyler
fergs and ikho
me and ikho
tyler and me
So, this last week has been great. Not at all, but in a lot of moments.
Last Friday I went out with Fergs and Tyler to the Matrix bar. I love Ferguie from a long time, and Tyler is the sweetest of them all. As usual we drunk, talked about all kinds of stuff, danced and laughed a lot. It was awesome, I must say. So there was this friend of Fergs that I thought that was gy through the entire night, and he was with us, talking and dancing and all the stuff.
And then Fergs left and both him and me went to the subway to get home, and he takes me and we start kissing!! And was this way I ended up in a hotel room with a bi ahahhahahhaha It was QUITE wierd.
Monday I quit my job, so I'm looking for another one. you know when all you try to do at a job just don't work?? Yep, that's it.
And Wednesday was Fergs birthday, and we went to another place,where I met a lot of people, both from an animation firm that were there, and Fergs friends. And I loved them. Then we left the place to Leo's house, slept there and had loads of fun too with internet videos such as Francine's from Curitiba (a drunk girl telling her sexual preferences to a camera during a party) and that kind of thing. It was pretty cool too.
oh, and there's the pictures to prove it:
(they look awful, but who cares)
fergs and me

fergs and tyler

fergs and ikho

me and ikho

tyler and me


oi, querida eu eustou bom. i think that's right. i'm tired. i miss you too.

I fucking love your musical tastes.