Hi folks!!
I have lots of news. Let's start for the worst ones: in the wednesday of ashes, how we call the last day of carnaval around here, I had a fight with my father, and he beated me up again. I say again, because it happened a lo before. And so I went to the police and to the doctor and all that stuff. And my mom decided to divorce from him. She has been very nervous lately, and this kind of stuff is almost too bad for her as it is for me. Plus, there is my little sister too. So, in some days, he'll be going out.
Now, the good ones. I went to see The Gathering at 03/03. It was sooooooooo amazing and wonderful!! They played almost all the songs that I wanted to hear, and the band is so good!! They have such a feeling, and they transmit such a good energy!! Anneke sings smiling all the time, and I can say this have been the show that I have left happier in all my life. The band is pretty heavy live, and Anekke's voice is much prettier too. The crowd went crazy, including me, and the band loved it. I'm pretty sure they'll come back. And me, who was already voiceless when I came in, left the house speaking like Donald the duck, or Dani filth, if you prefer.
So, all is going well with the moving. Today I have spent the whole day carring stuff up and down, cleaning and setting things up, so I'm pretty tired. All is going well with the new job too, so I would like to thank everyone that wished me luck.
The pics of the show goes below.As I'm writing, I listen to Sleepy Buildings, the acoustic from Gathering, released at 2005.And almost crying again.
( I wrote that yesterday, posting today 'cause I couldn't upload the pics)
I have lots of news. Let's start for the worst ones: in the wednesday of ashes, how we call the last day of carnaval around here, I had a fight with my father, and he beated me up again. I say again, because it happened a lo before. And so I went to the police and to the doctor and all that stuff. And my mom decided to divorce from him. She has been very nervous lately, and this kind of stuff is almost too bad for her as it is for me. Plus, there is my little sister too. So, in some days, he'll be going out.
Now, the good ones. I went to see The Gathering at 03/03. It was sooooooooo amazing and wonderful!! They played almost all the songs that I wanted to hear, and the band is so good!! They have such a feeling, and they transmit such a good energy!! Anneke sings smiling all the time, and I can say this have been the show that I have left happier in all my life. The band is pretty heavy live, and Anekke's voice is much prettier too. The crowd went crazy, including me, and the band loved it. I'm pretty sure they'll come back. And me, who was already voiceless when I came in, left the house speaking like Donald the duck, or Dani filth, if you prefer.
So, all is going well with the moving. Today I have spent the whole day carring stuff up and down, cleaning and setting things up, so I'm pretty tired. All is going well with the new job too, so I would like to thank everyone that wished me luck.
The pics of the show goes below.As I'm writing, I listen to Sleepy Buildings, the acoustic from Gathering, released at 2005.And almost crying again.
( I wrote that yesterday, posting today 'cause I couldn't upload the pics)

Cordel: O portal no meu dirio tem 7 msicas para baixar. A melhor "Na Veia" (No... no "Na Via" no.)
Dentre as bandas da onda de msica pernambucana surgidas nos ltimos vinte e poucos anos - a chamada "mangue beat" - as minhas favoritas so as mais carregadas de folclore, e no de interao com funk, rap, etc. Em particular, adoro a Mestre Ambrsio, liderada pelo meu amigo Siba e outro cara. Os dois tm tendncias dspares, o que explica a alternncia no abordagem (e at na qualidade) das msicas, alm da necessidade de discos solistas. Neste portal, podes ouvir o primeiro minuto de cada faixa, o que, s vezes, inconveniente porque algumas canes so mais heterogneas, com partes mais interessantes no meio...
Este outro portal uma espcie de guia de parte da msica local - mais o que interage com as vrias formas de rock.