educate yourself! i just want all those who eat beef to know what torture and pain (emotional & physical) you put these animals through. i ask you to at least admit you deserve a worse death than these beautiful & intelligent beings. and dont say "well they are dumb, its ok", cause i'll say "you are too! but does that give me the right to torture and murder your family" then you can say, "i guess so" and i will say "SWEET! i will make pedro lopez look like a little girl in a slapping match.
im so sick of animal rights activist being good christian fucks and turning the cheek and being polite to the people that do these horrible things. and you are no better, hiring a bunch of inbred hicks to do your killing for you. lining their pockets with your blood money cause you wouldnt even have the balls to do it, you would cry like you were a child again as the poor defenseless creature begs you for its life in every way it can think of. you have to be a pretty twisted fuck to do this hundreds of times a day, 5 days a week. If you have never been to a slaughter house i encourge you to take a trip. you should know where your eatable corpses come from. many people i have taken, start to vomit and are unable to finish the tour of death , YES IT IS THAT DISGUSTING, then you can continue the trip to the dairy farms, then the veal factorys..not one person i know that has visited a slaughterhouse has come back a meat eater.
ive never understood how one can raise their fist and destroy a being that is incapable of hate, war, racism, murder, rape, pedophilia, ect, ect.... you might as well go around killing children for your appetite, people taste like chicken right? now just imagine soft n juciy little breasts stuffed with mango grilled and blackend and served with a strawberry or black truffle glaze, mmmm mm, we can all run around our commuinties stealing mothers children then put them in small crates in the dark and feed them a liquid foods, which give them an assortment of crippling effects, but thats ok cause we dont want the tender meat to get all tough, nooo no. oh ya and if the cry or call out to thier mothers we can just beat them unconcious or electrocute them in the face,that would shut them up. hmmm this seems like a good plan, i fully endorse it! it would bring down population considering mother earth cant sustain this many people on her back, we act more like a virus then anything, consuming and destroying and never giving back, because you may loose a buck or two.
i could go on forever. and if your religous and if you want to start the "god said we could" rebutle go read your bible again. The Garden of Eden, God's perfect world, was vegetarian (Gen. 1:29-30), and God called this nonexploitative relationship "good" (Gen. 1:31). and thats on the first fucking page, ha. and there is more in there too.
any who im done my rant maybe i will post a half decent essay on how the human species acts more like a virus or infection upon this planet than as animals.
any who some facts for ya to spew on those filthy corpse devouring creatures that claim to be more civilived then those who walk on fours.
FACT: one vegitarian saves 95 lives a year
FACT: when a cow overcomes a intellectual problem their brainwaves show their excitement; their heartbeat goes up and some even jump into the air. researchers call it their Eureka moment.
FACT: cows are intelligent and curious animals who enjoy solving problems and interacting with their environment. they have long memories and are capable of learning lessons from each other, just as humans do
FACT: 80 percent to 90 percent, of all cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and other forms of degenerative illness can be prevented, at least until very old age, simply by adopting a plant-based diet.
FACT: animals are routinely given growth hormones, antibiotics, and even pesticides, which remain in their flesh and are passed on to meat-eaters
Fact: If everyone adopted a vegetarian diet and no food were wasted, current [food] production would theoretically feed 10 billion people, more than the projected population for the year 2050
and for all those who just say whatever "it dosnt directly effect me", or "i like the taste of dead corpses" or even" i dont care" I beg you, PLEASE end your life, stand in traffic, blow your head off, stop feeding yourself, pick a fight with a lion, whatever you fancey, just end your life , you are a completely usless chunk of flesh, the human species needs to weed you people out before we can move onto our next evoltuionary step. or....
GO VEG!!!!!!!
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."
Thomas Edison
RANT lol ive gone mad
educate yourself! i just want all those who eat beef to know what torture and pain (emotional & physical) you put these animals through. i ask you to at least admit you deserve a worse death than these beautiful & intelligent beings. and dont say "well they are dumb, its ok", cause i'll say "you are too! but does that give me the right to torture and murder your family" then you can say, "i guess so" and i will say "SWEET! i will make pedro lopez look like a little girl in a slapping match.
im so sick of animal rights activist being good christian fucks and turning the cheek and being polite to the people that do these horrible things. and you are no better, hiring a bunch of inbred hicks to do your killing for you. lining their pockets with your blood money cause you wouldnt even have the balls to do it, you would cry like you were a child again as the poor defenseless creature begs you for its life in every way it can think of. you have to be a pretty twisted fuck to do this hundreds of times a day, 5 days a week. If you have never been to a slaughter house i encourge you to take a trip. you should know where your eatable corpses come from. many people i have taken, start to vomit and are unable to finish the tour of death , YES IT IS THAT DISGUSTING, then you can continue the trip to the dairy farms, then the veal factorys..not one person i know that has visited a slaughterhouse has come back a meat eater.
ive never understood how one can raise their fist and destroy a being that is incapable of hate, war, racism, murder, rape, pedophilia, ect, ect.... you might as well go around killing children for your appetite, people taste like chicken right? now just imagine soft n juciy little breasts stuffed with mango grilled and blackend and served with a strawberry or black truffle glaze, mmmm mm, we can all run around our commuinties stealing mothers children then put them in small crates in the dark and feed them a liquid foods, which give them an assortment of crippling effects, but thats ok cause we dont want the tender meat to get all tough, nooo no. oh ya and if the cry or call out to thier mothers we can just beat them unconcious or electrocute them in the face,that would shut them up. hmmm this seems like a good plan, i fully endorse it! it would bring down population considering mother earth cant sustain this many people on her back, we act more like a virus then anything, consuming and destroying and never giving back, because you may loose a buck or two.
i could go on forever. and if your religous and if you want to start the "god said we could" rebutle go read your bible again. The Garden of Eden, God's perfect world, was vegetarian (Gen. 1:29-30), and God called this nonexploitative relationship "good" (Gen. 1:31). and thats on the first fucking page, ha. and there is more in there too.
any who im done my rant maybe i will post a half decent essay on how the human species acts more like a virus or infection upon this planet than as animals.
any who some facts for ya to spew on those filthy corpse devouring creatures that claim to be more civilived then those who walk on fours.
FACT: one vegitarian saves 95 lives a year
FACT: when a cow overcomes a intellectual problem their brainwaves show their excitement; their heartbeat goes up and some even jump into the air. researchers call it their Eureka moment.
FACT: cows are intelligent and curious animals who enjoy solving problems and interacting with their environment. they have long memories and are capable of learning lessons from each other, just as humans do
FACT: 80 percent to 90 percent, of all cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and other forms of degenerative illness can be prevented, at least until very old age, simply by adopting a plant-based diet.
FACT: animals are routinely given growth hormones, antibiotics, and even pesticides, which remain in their flesh and are passed on to meat-eaters
Fact: If everyone adopted a vegetarian diet and no food were wasted, current [food] production would theoretically feed 10 billion people, more than the projected population for the year 2050
and for all those who just say whatever "it dosnt directly effect me", or "i like the taste of dead corpses" or even" i dont care" I beg you, PLEASE end your life, stand in traffic, blow your head off, stop feeding yourself, pick a fight with a lion, whatever you fancey, just end your life , you are a completely usless chunk of flesh, the human species needs to weed you people out before we can move onto our next evoltuionary step. or....
GO VEG!!!!!!!
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."
Thomas Edison
RANT lol ive gone mad
Thank you for posting this. It helps to have reminders like this when temptation comes 'round. I will raise my children on a vegetarian diet so maybe the smells won't be attractive to them at all, but repugnant.
Nice Jeremy bear BTW, I had almost forgotten about him