hey hey all im glad to hear you all liked randi and vishas set, and to that some one who said somthing about the grey back drop, i dont make hundreds of dollars to go through. those back drops are $95 bucks a roll and im a starvin artist, i hate using it so much but what can i do, i personly like the set due to its minimalism. on another note i started working again, and it sucks cause of the fucking red neck rip off show (aka the stampede) i would like to say that i hate every fucking tourist that asks me where my cowboy hat is, IM NOT A HICK! i swear that i have never met any other calgarian that actually enjoys the stampede, 100% of the people i know hate the stampede, yet we all go and eat the mini donuts then feel sick, then blow alll our cash on either rides or roulette. i get to go on thursday.woo hooo
so i got back into freestyle dancing again i havent really kept up with it and my skillz are rusty yo.
any who i recently came across this video of David Elsewhere Bernal (the guy in orange), check him out at detoursvideo.com. he kicks ass, i so wish i could strobe as good as him, but that will come in time. any who im done yaking about shit
so i got back into freestyle dancing again i havent really kept up with it and my skillz are rusty yo.
That video rocks, I have seen it so many times. That guy is like a human fucking pretzel! lol