yo! bitches.......
sittin here doing nothing, today was pretty usless, but i did shoot off some photos to play around with the new camera. oh ya did i mention before how much i love raw files, lol. yay im giddy.
any who i watched the hills have eyes finally and i got to say im very impressed, Wes disapointed me with that scream bullshit. but he proved to me why he was one of my fav horror guys when i was a kid. i liked Ruby i want her to be my friend. I also watched click which suprised me how emotional it got. hmmmm what other movies did i watch yesterday, oh ya and the da vinci load, i still think the blair bitch project was a better movie to porn though.
i think Tiger woods 06 is calling me, fuck i play to much tiger woods, its like a fucking drug for me. fuck sims, i need woods, lol. i really want to play F.E.A.R. but me need a video card and me mother boad has PCI express not AGP like jeremys 256mb video card he has already, fucking technology.
im upgrading all my photo gear and i will be selling two of my hot lights with the stand and a 20" square soft box, oh and the cord too. they are JTL everlights that kick out up to 750w, they are in great condition, never left the studio except once to edmonton, i havent used them for quite some time, like a year now, as for price im asking for 150 or 250 if you take both of them, email me if your intserested. here is a pic of the light excuse my lazyness to take a photo of the lights.
oh fuck, soo i was going to upload the mass amount of buses yesterday for pub clawls but the are on the lapto and you know what, no internet for the laptop is really startn to get to me as well as pluging in the external drive
back and forth, back and forth. ug. i should build a small server for the house, im sure i will save money in the end. bah, im off to play tirger woods while i continue working on vishas super set, lol.
oooooooo i found this on this pc, a mock cover for pshh! i will update more on whats happining there but for now feast your eye on my fiances nekidd body, lol, i mean err dont check out my woman, hahaha im a dork
sittin here doing nothing, today was pretty usless, but i did shoot off some photos to play around with the new camera. oh ya did i mention before how much i love raw files, lol. yay im giddy.
any who i watched the hills have eyes finally and i got to say im very impressed, Wes disapointed me with that scream bullshit. but he proved to me why he was one of my fav horror guys when i was a kid. i liked Ruby i want her to be my friend. I also watched click which suprised me how emotional it got. hmmmm what other movies did i watch yesterday, oh ya and the da vinci load, i still think the blair bitch project was a better movie to porn though.
i think Tiger woods 06 is calling me, fuck i play to much tiger woods, its like a fucking drug for me. fuck sims, i need woods, lol. i really want to play F.E.A.R. but me need a video card and me mother boad has PCI express not AGP like jeremys 256mb video card he has already, fucking technology.
im upgrading all my photo gear and i will be selling two of my hot lights with the stand and a 20" square soft box, oh and the cord too. they are JTL everlights that kick out up to 750w, they are in great condition, never left the studio except once to edmonton, i havent used them for quite some time, like a year now, as for price im asking for 150 or 250 if you take both of them, email me if your intserested. here is a pic of the light excuse my lazyness to take a photo of the lights.

oh fuck, soo i was going to upload the mass amount of buses yesterday for pub clawls but the are on the lapto and you know what, no internet for the laptop is really startn to get to me as well as pluging in the external drive
back and forth, back and forth. ug. i should build a small server for the house, im sure i will save money in the end. bah, im off to play tirger woods while i continue working on vishas super set, lol.
oooooooo i found this on this pc, a mock cover for pshh! i will update more on whats happining there but for now feast your eye on my fiances nekidd body, lol, i mean err dont check out my woman, hahaha im a dork

new camera seems very snazzy!