San Francisco officially killed me. SEX, DRUGS, BOOZE, LESBIANS and VIOLENCE.
UPDATED, so quit yo' bitching and read what I got to say.
Dear Coffee,
You are the first of my thoughts when I first awake. If I could express how deeply you inspire the rest of my day, I am going to do so now. I'll search long and far to keep you in my life, I'll never leave you, if you never leave me. Is that too much to ask?
Kathleen Hanna
Kathleen Hanna, 34, reigned feminism in the early 90s, creating an explosion with the Riot Grrrl movement. For over a decade, Kathleen has proven that feminist politics can be heard as an artistic musical structure, revolutionizing what has been missing for years with women in music.
In the late 1990, Kathleen Hanna Vocalist, Kathi Wilcox Bassist, Tobi Vail Drummer, and Billy Karren Guitarist formed the band, Bikini Kill, in Olympia, WA. Recording their first demo tape, Revolution Girl Style Now, helping launch one of the most radical movements, bringing forth a lot of unwelcoming media attention. Bikini Kill, carried a style of punk rock with a girl attitude, attracting women from all across the country, adopting the do-it-yourself (DIY) style. 1998, Bikini Kill, played their last gig in Tokyo, Japan, ending a great band but only the beginning for whats to follow.
Le Tigre, the next influential step of a musical creativity designed by Kathleen Hanna. Le Tigre was formed in 1998, when Kathleen Hanna moved to New York to collaborate with old friend, Johanna Fateman, with help for her live stage performance of her recently recorded solo record, Julie Ruin. Also, the expressed interest of Sadie Benning (friend of Kathleen, who made the music video of Julie Ruins, Aerobicide in Chicago), to help with the visuals and music for the stage performance. In process of reshaping Julie Ruin material, Kathleen and Jo, ended up writing all new songs. After tapes of the songs were sent to Sadie, who then, went to New York to work with their new set, creating all new material, thus being the first Le Tigre album. Due to the visual slides that were accompanied at their live performance on their first tour, JD Samsom, ran the slide projector and was the roadie but when Sadie decided she didnt want to be apart of Le Tigre, JD then took the active role.
Le Tigre is an experimentation of pop, electronic and punk music. Creating an atmospheric sound of drum beats, occasional guitar riffs, inspirational collage of projected visuals, with political lyrics that give a strong response to dance. Constructed by a trio of feminists, fronted by Kathleen Hanna, 34, who centers the stage, sings and does some guitar. Jo, 29, some keyboard, some guitar and sings back ups. JD, 25, triggers samples with drum pads, some keyboards and sings back ups. But keep in mind, they all equally dance on stage to their roller skate jams and they all equally sit around the apartment creating these roller skate jams.
Le Tigre has recently signed to Universal, creating more controversy in the underground music scene. Some will scream SELL OUT, but I scream, break down the walls! Ask yourself, how many bands/musicians on major record labels, have the guts to sing/play political music about feminism, sexism, racism, sexual abuse, queer identities and body image? Le Tigre will be playing this years Lollapalooza, on the main stage, opening up for acts like Sonic Youth and Pj Harvey.
Kathleen Hanna has come along way, maturing more into an icon masked with extreme intelligence, carrying her weapon called feminism, bringing fear to those who cant stand the taste of it, more like understand it. Kathleen Hanna is certainly a musician with considerable amounts of talent who has and will ever more so, change the patterns of male-domination in the music industry.
This may be unrelated, but I sing this line in 'Deceptacon' that says "I can see yr disco disco dick is sucking my heart out of my mind," and I've always worried, that people thought I was being like one of those DISCO SUCKS people from the 70s! You know how in the 70s, when disco was hot, there was this whole DISCO SUCKS movement that formed with this undercurrent of white supremacy and the power running through it? Anyways, in that song I was actually quoting this industry guy, who once told me that I better get signed to a major label quick before Riot Grrrl was dead in the media, and all the bigwigs, who might sign me would just be off on something else like, "sucking themselves some disco dick," is, I believe the way the guy said it. Just saying. Kathleen Hanna, interview, pHinnWeb 2001.
UPDATED, so quit yo' bitching and read what I got to say.
Dear Coffee,
You are the first of my thoughts when I first awake. If I could express how deeply you inspire the rest of my day, I am going to do so now. I'll search long and far to keep you in my life, I'll never leave you, if you never leave me. Is that too much to ask?
Kathleen Hanna
Kathleen Hanna, 34, reigned feminism in the early 90s, creating an explosion with the Riot Grrrl movement. For over a decade, Kathleen has proven that feminist politics can be heard as an artistic musical structure, revolutionizing what has been missing for years with women in music.
In the late 1990, Kathleen Hanna Vocalist, Kathi Wilcox Bassist, Tobi Vail Drummer, and Billy Karren Guitarist formed the band, Bikini Kill, in Olympia, WA. Recording their first demo tape, Revolution Girl Style Now, helping launch one of the most radical movements, bringing forth a lot of unwelcoming media attention. Bikini Kill, carried a style of punk rock with a girl attitude, attracting women from all across the country, adopting the do-it-yourself (DIY) style. 1998, Bikini Kill, played their last gig in Tokyo, Japan, ending a great band but only the beginning for whats to follow.
Le Tigre, the next influential step of a musical creativity designed by Kathleen Hanna. Le Tigre was formed in 1998, when Kathleen Hanna moved to New York to collaborate with old friend, Johanna Fateman, with help for her live stage performance of her recently recorded solo record, Julie Ruin. Also, the expressed interest of Sadie Benning (friend of Kathleen, who made the music video of Julie Ruins, Aerobicide in Chicago), to help with the visuals and music for the stage performance. In process of reshaping Julie Ruin material, Kathleen and Jo, ended up writing all new songs. After tapes of the songs were sent to Sadie, who then, went to New York to work with their new set, creating all new material, thus being the first Le Tigre album. Due to the visual slides that were accompanied at their live performance on their first tour, JD Samsom, ran the slide projector and was the roadie but when Sadie decided she didnt want to be apart of Le Tigre, JD then took the active role.
Le Tigre is an experimentation of pop, electronic and punk music. Creating an atmospheric sound of drum beats, occasional guitar riffs, inspirational collage of projected visuals, with political lyrics that give a strong response to dance. Constructed by a trio of feminists, fronted by Kathleen Hanna, 34, who centers the stage, sings and does some guitar. Jo, 29, some keyboard, some guitar and sings back ups. JD, 25, triggers samples with drum pads, some keyboards and sings back ups. But keep in mind, they all equally dance on stage to their roller skate jams and they all equally sit around the apartment creating these roller skate jams.
Le Tigre has recently signed to Universal, creating more controversy in the underground music scene. Some will scream SELL OUT, but I scream, break down the walls! Ask yourself, how many bands/musicians on major record labels, have the guts to sing/play political music about feminism, sexism, racism, sexual abuse, queer identities and body image? Le Tigre will be playing this years Lollapalooza, on the main stage, opening up for acts like Sonic Youth and Pj Harvey.
Kathleen Hanna has come along way, maturing more into an icon masked with extreme intelligence, carrying her weapon called feminism, bringing fear to those who cant stand the taste of it, more like understand it. Kathleen Hanna is certainly a musician with considerable amounts of talent who has and will ever more so, change the patterns of male-domination in the music industry.

This may be unrelated, but I sing this line in 'Deceptacon' that says "I can see yr disco disco dick is sucking my heart out of my mind," and I've always worried, that people thought I was being like one of those DISCO SUCKS people from the 70s! You know how in the 70s, when disco was hot, there was this whole DISCO SUCKS movement that formed with this undercurrent of white supremacy and the power running through it? Anyways, in that song I was actually quoting this industry guy, who once told me that I better get signed to a major label quick before Riot Grrrl was dead in the media, and all the bigwigs, who might sign me would just be off on something else like, "sucking themselves some disco dick," is, I believe the way the guy said it. Just saying. Kathleen Hanna, interview, pHinnWeb 2001.

are all those songs on one album? i have a hard time listening to stuff on my computer cause i have cheap speakers and i couldn't understand most of it. but it sounds like something i'd like to have. let me know :p
thanks sweetie. it helps knowing that i have poeple to talk to when i need them. it does. maybe one of these days i'll give you a call and we can talk. i quit my job at coldstone, i just don't have the time to hassle with all the teenage drama that goes on there, i've got my own thats more important to deal with. (mmmm coffee) yes, a mix cd would be awesome. if you want, i can make you one of, like, no doubt, save ferris, all that stuff i know you just love! BWAHHAAAHHAAA!!! i'm just so funny.... have a good day :p