I'm back for a minute so don't crap yourselves. My account was reactivated and I almost did not redeem it but fuck it, I needed some old pictures off my profile that I lost during a hard drive crash.
My life in the past three years:
1. I am a member of the LA Derby Dolls. I belong to a team called the Sirens!!!
2. I earned my degree in Electrical Engineering.
3. I work as an Engineer designing and manufacturing control systems for defense companies.
4. I have an awesome girl, I dig her - two years now.
5. I have a new addition to my family, her name is Mama. She is a rescued pitbull.
6. The cat and dog sleep together in the bed.
Did I mention, I love vagina? Oh yeah, how could you forget that?
I'm sure this will be my first and last post. ha! But I will be posting new pics of my badass roller derby lifestyle. You know you care. Off to derby practice.
Watch me get kicked in the head by a skate and later resulted to a concussion. My third in a three year period. I'm fucken hardcore.

I have a picture of us on my profile. its from the last game. xox
You do realize that you are essentially the female version of Buckaroo Banzai, right?