what wolud you do when the best room mate you have, the one who always pays his rent slid an envelope under your door with $300 in it and when you woke up there was $200 in it ? and your girlfriend had been up, got you breakfast and came back. what would you think happened to it? i need some help here cause i don't wanna believe it was my girlfriend !!
and the week before i had 800 dollars in my wallet and 100 of it was gone, but she says that her $150 that she put underneath her desk was also missing??? what would you think?now instead of being 1,327 in debt i am 1,677 in the hole, so do any of you think she is innocent??? as stupid as this sounds, i want to, i want to so bad but i just can't help but get fucking pissed when i think about it ... is she punishing me for being such a dick. or is thgis carma, which i should have a bunch of good carma coming my way, i don't see why all this bad stuff is happening to me ?
i hate to say this but if i can't get myself out of this i will prolly end up shooting myself.
i know that it may be a cop out but these things just keep coming.
it'a not in 3's like most people have bad luck ita in 20'a & 30's for me it's really got me thinking who's gonna win here in the end? seriously who will win in the end
someone help me! please!!
and the week before i had 800 dollars in my wallet and 100 of it was gone, but she says that her $150 that she put underneath her desk was also missing??? what would you think?now instead of being 1,327 in debt i am 1,677 in the hole, so do any of you think she is innocent??? as stupid as this sounds, i want to, i want to so bad but i just can't help but get fucking pissed when i think about it ... is she punishing me for being such a dick. or is thgis carma, which i should have a bunch of good carma coming my way, i don't see why all this bad stuff is happening to me ?
i hate to say this but if i can't get myself out of this i will prolly end up shooting myself.
i know that it may be a cop out but these things just keep coming.
it'a not in 3's like most people have bad luck ita in 20'a & 30's for me it's really got me thinking who's gonna win here in the end? seriously who will win in the end
someone help me! please!!
I hate to say this but you're going to have to confront her. Explain how it's missing and try not to accuse her of it but just ask her. If she is your girlfriend she'll try to understand you and won't get too mad, but if she huffily gets offended and walks, you must walk too. Chances are if she does that she might be guilty, and you might not ever see the money again but it'll be a good thing to get her out of your life if she did take it.