Howdy howdy. I haven't posted for some time. But I know me and I go into stupid amounts of detail over things like my never-ending worries and what I ate for tea, so I've decided to restrict myself to one post a month, to keep us all happy.
Well Ive entered that big scary world of University, and I gotta say on the whole I adore it. I've had some moments, but I knew it was gonna be a rollercoaster and I have to take things in my stride.
I've been bowled over by how lively this place is. There's bars, clubs, tramps and kebabs on every street corner. Compared to my snug little hometown of Kendal it's all a bit of a culture shock. Though we do have one famous homeless type by the name of baglady, much respect to her, she's a tough'un. My favourite hangouts of late are the lovely indie holes by the names of 42nd Street and 5th Avenue (hmm, appears to be a weird pattern forming), and, for the more rockier challenged there's Jilly's Rockworld and The Ritz (don't be fooled by the glamourous titles). There's a club to suit every taste, thankyou Manchester! I've got a few bars on the list too, but i'd be here all night and my fingers would get a little angry.
I've made some blossoming friendships too. I've moved into halls of residence on campus (a gruelling 5 minutes to my lectures!) and have been plonked with 2 guys and a girl in a rundown flat on the top floor. If that wasn't bad enough I was welcomed to a broken light and worrying stains on the walls. My flatmates are great, all apart from one girl who's turned into the picture of irish rage. I love Matt and Jonny to bits, though they can be compared to a married couple on occasion, and they've taken to talking in their own witty boyish dialect. They're a bit too similar, and when I opt for a bit of drum 'n' bass for background music, they both look at me in disgust. Gotta draw the line somewhere, I guess I'm just picky. They are my party buddies though, and without them the love for snakebite wouldn't have been born. Collette, yup, the irish one has driven me up the wall and back. There's just been a huge personality clash and we're both stubborn bitches, which has led to her threatening to smash a stereo over my head :-). Basically she's a clean-freak, she leaves wedges of weed all over the shop and she indulges in happy hardcore at lovely times in the morning. 'Nuff said boys and girls?
I've found salvation from an intriguing punk girl from nextdoor, who's been my lil rockabilly and has made great company on the dancefloor. She's a looker, and we get on stupidly well. Manifique.
Things aren't looking so peachy on the man-front. I've had a few tasty little flings but none of them have fitted the bill. I feel like I'm trying a little too hard though and it shows, so I'm gonna give up and see if that works. It'll be a damn lot easier. One little dreadead man has captured my attention, and he goes by the name of flower (in touch with his feminine side!) but I caught him the other night on the arm of something far less pleasing to the eye. Dang.
Um..I'm forgetting something..ahh yes education. I still feel like I haven't started classes. I'm studying Illustration with Animation, for you curious ones, and I've been put into a unit called Reprographics. I've only been in for 2 days a week at the most and my lazybones meter has been rising. The work is all very self-directed, and we all know we'd rather sit down with a beer than get our sketchbooks out. I've started cracking on with it though, but me being a perfectionist need to get a bigger waste bin. Look how tonight's work has turned out. You're reading it! :-(. I'm thinking of swapping courses to do fine art. Much hotter people + Rachel nextdoor + windows facing the park = happy lozzy.
Reet well today's been all good and unproductive, I think I'm gonna scratch my head and have a shower. Dyed my roots blue by the way, its looking intergalactic up there. Might go home for the weekend if I care to leave the flat. It's Halloween and I want to carve a pumpkin with my mum :-). Damn I miss that lady, she's my soulmate. Sometimes I think if I stroke my padlock on the back on my neck, she'll get a little shiver, or even better a tickle. We've got the same tattoo just to put things straight! Mums with ink are a rare breed! I miss her the most, and a lot of my homeboys and girls, though it hasn't been as hard as I expected. I don't feel like I had much going for me in Kendal to be fair, a lot of my friendships had started to dry up so it's been a jolly ol time gettin to know my fellow fresh mancunians.
Promise I won't write so much next time, I tried this time too!
Big Loves,
P.S Mr. Morello, you've caught my eye!
Well Ive entered that big scary world of University, and I gotta say on the whole I adore it. I've had some moments, but I knew it was gonna be a rollercoaster and I have to take things in my stride.
I've been bowled over by how lively this place is. There's bars, clubs, tramps and kebabs on every street corner. Compared to my snug little hometown of Kendal it's all a bit of a culture shock. Though we do have one famous homeless type by the name of baglady, much respect to her, she's a tough'un. My favourite hangouts of late are the lovely indie holes by the names of 42nd Street and 5th Avenue (hmm, appears to be a weird pattern forming), and, for the more rockier challenged there's Jilly's Rockworld and The Ritz (don't be fooled by the glamourous titles). There's a club to suit every taste, thankyou Manchester! I've got a few bars on the list too, but i'd be here all night and my fingers would get a little angry.
I've made some blossoming friendships too. I've moved into halls of residence on campus (a gruelling 5 minutes to my lectures!) and have been plonked with 2 guys and a girl in a rundown flat on the top floor. If that wasn't bad enough I was welcomed to a broken light and worrying stains on the walls. My flatmates are great, all apart from one girl who's turned into the picture of irish rage. I love Matt and Jonny to bits, though they can be compared to a married couple on occasion, and they've taken to talking in their own witty boyish dialect. They're a bit too similar, and when I opt for a bit of drum 'n' bass for background music, they both look at me in disgust. Gotta draw the line somewhere, I guess I'm just picky. They are my party buddies though, and without them the love for snakebite wouldn't have been born. Collette, yup, the irish one has driven me up the wall and back. There's just been a huge personality clash and we're both stubborn bitches, which has led to her threatening to smash a stereo over my head :-). Basically she's a clean-freak, she leaves wedges of weed all over the shop and she indulges in happy hardcore at lovely times in the morning. 'Nuff said boys and girls?
I've found salvation from an intriguing punk girl from nextdoor, who's been my lil rockabilly and has made great company on the dancefloor. She's a looker, and we get on stupidly well. Manifique.
Things aren't looking so peachy on the man-front. I've had a few tasty little flings but none of them have fitted the bill. I feel like I'm trying a little too hard though and it shows, so I'm gonna give up and see if that works. It'll be a damn lot easier. One little dreadead man has captured my attention, and he goes by the name of flower (in touch with his feminine side!) but I caught him the other night on the arm of something far less pleasing to the eye. Dang.
Um..I'm forgetting something..ahh yes education. I still feel like I haven't started classes. I'm studying Illustration with Animation, for you curious ones, and I've been put into a unit called Reprographics. I've only been in for 2 days a week at the most and my lazybones meter has been rising. The work is all very self-directed, and we all know we'd rather sit down with a beer than get our sketchbooks out. I've started cracking on with it though, but me being a perfectionist need to get a bigger waste bin. Look how tonight's work has turned out. You're reading it! :-(. I'm thinking of swapping courses to do fine art. Much hotter people + Rachel nextdoor + windows facing the park = happy lozzy.
Reet well today's been all good and unproductive, I think I'm gonna scratch my head and have a shower. Dyed my roots blue by the way, its looking intergalactic up there. Might go home for the weekend if I care to leave the flat. It's Halloween and I want to carve a pumpkin with my mum :-). Damn I miss that lady, she's my soulmate. Sometimes I think if I stroke my padlock on the back on my neck, she'll get a little shiver, or even better a tickle. We've got the same tattoo just to put things straight! Mums with ink are a rare breed! I miss her the most, and a lot of my homeboys and girls, though it hasn't been as hard as I expected. I don't feel like I had much going for me in Kendal to be fair, a lot of my friendships had started to dry up so it's been a jolly ol time gettin to know my fellow fresh mancunians.
Promise I won't write so much next time, I tried this time too!
Big Loves,
P.S Mr. Morello, you've caught my eye!
Nice ink.