Hello suicide world,
I must say I adore this site. The 'Suicide Girls' have always been the centre of gossip in my town and once I'd tracked down where they hoarded these objects of affection I couldn't get enough. Thanks to a very kind man and his wallet I have my own account to use and abuse :-) Thankyou gophy!
Well, my name's Lauren, but of course Lozzypops is much more fun. I can't stand the sight of my chin at the moment so I have provided an artists interpretation (see left). This was delicately drawn by the talented hand of Tom Heather, or as his undercover agents call him, Slumberpumpkin. Go check him out, he rocks my world.
When I first came to the site I thought this was something I'd love to try out myself, so I pranced infront of the mirror in my best matching bra and knickers and watched which parts wobbled. This was a sure fine turn-off to even me. And I have a strange spot between my mammories. Not attractive. That's the end of that story.
Take it easy mammas
I must say I adore this site. The 'Suicide Girls' have always been the centre of gossip in my town and once I'd tracked down where they hoarded these objects of affection I couldn't get enough. Thanks to a very kind man and his wallet I have my own account to use and abuse :-) Thankyou gophy!
Well, my name's Lauren, but of course Lozzypops is much more fun. I can't stand the sight of my chin at the moment so I have provided an artists interpretation (see left). This was delicately drawn by the talented hand of Tom Heather, or as his undercover agents call him, Slumberpumpkin. Go check him out, he rocks my world.
When I first came to the site I thought this was something I'd love to try out myself, so I pranced infront of the mirror in my best matching bra and knickers and watched which parts wobbled. This was a sure fine turn-off to even me. And I have a strange spot between my mammories. Not attractive. That's the end of that story.
Take it easy mammas
love the profile picture.. and your use of the word "mammories"