I wrote this today - I want it to be a spoken word piece but don't know if I want to be the one who speaks it. Would love to hear someone read it some day. I might go on an adventure to find someone - if you know anyone let me know x
Their footprints
stick to the insides of my eyelids
And I cry rapids
In hopes
Of flushing it all away
But it all stays
I am a little broken and bruised
And it's not just me it's you
that has to lose
That has to love the cracks and fault lines on my skin
That has to forgive when you knock but can't be let in
I know you're tired
I watch your weary eyes with mine
I want to shout
With volumes
To show you
With each decibel
I love you more
With each scream
I am torn open
For you
I am open
Read me with your fingers
Trace my memories with your tongue
Just because my voice box is locked sometimes
Doesn't mean you should run
So stay a while longer
Settle down into my breath
Until you become a memory
And I have to start again
Their footprints
stick to the insides of my eyelids
And I cry rapids
In hopes
Of flushing it all away
But it all stays
I am a little broken and bruised
And it's not just me it's you
that has to lose
That has to love the cracks and fault lines on my skin
That has to forgive when you knock but can't be let in
I know you're tired
I watch your weary eyes with mine
I want to shout
With volumes
To show you
With each decibel
I love you more
With each scream
I am torn open
For you
I am open
Read me with your fingers
Trace my memories with your tongue
Just because my voice box is locked sometimes
Doesn't mean you should run
So stay a while longer
Settle down into my breath
Until you become a memory
And I have to start again