I haven't done a blog homework yet but what a great way to start the new year with 10 random facts about me!
I saw this on the homepage as I'm not quite sure where to find the blog homework subjects from @rambo @missy and @lyxzen so hopefully it's correct, if not it's still a fun subject to write about.
1) I'm a national trust member (and merlin pass holder) and I love walking, camping and exploring
2) Adamant to do everything myself, 95% of the DIY is done by myself much to my partners disapproval. I'm a do it now kind of person and if I'm in the mood to put a shelf up, I will damn well put a shelf up, or smash half the kitchen out...
3) I first got in to photography because I thought I wanted to be a MUA/stylist and would take photos of my "creations" when I was 16
4) My favourite game is Borderlands, and it's pretty much the only game I can play for more than 30 minutes without my brain going numb
5) I have been collecting unicorns since I was around 6 after my friend bought me a trinket pot back from a holiday, I still have it! I have however cut down a lot of my collection
6) Working in a cinema left me super critical of every film, ever
7) I have a 3 year old son, Logan who is my heart and soul
8) I'm really shy and awkward, will probably have an anxiety attack around new people, but completely NUTS when I get comfortable
9) I lucid dream naturally
10) I'm really a mermaid