What goes up must come down.
So I had my second date with Abby last Wednesday. We started out having coffee, and then went for drinks. It was good, and now I know for sure it's not just a friend thing.
Friday I got approved for my amazing new apartment (unfortunately I won't have pictures of it until I move in - it's so new that the development company doesn't even have it up on their website yet). And on top of that, they're letting me move in on the 27th but won't charge me for any of December. It's a really amazing place - they basically took an old building and completely remodeled it. Gorgeous hardwood floors, a beautiful kitchen, a nice bathroom with a tall showerhead (a low showerhead is a legitimate dealbreaker for me), a washer/dryer and plenty of space. It's only a few blocks away from my current place - so I still get to be close to all of my favorite social spots - but $44/month cheaper. Also, there are only twelve apartments in the building, which I'm hoping means it'll be a little bit more of a friendly community (one of the things that drives me bonkers about my current apartment building is that it feels like a hotel - hardly anybody has even the courtesy to say hi).
I also got a raise on Friday. Only 3%, but a raise nonetheless.
Then things started going wrong.
Friday night I was supposed to go to a party with Abby. It was a birthday party for one of friends from college (and, coincidentally, a guy I sort of knew back in college - we used to go to a lot of the same parties). Friday evening I sent her a text asking her when she wanted to head to the party. She called me shortly thereafter and explained to me that she would prefer it if I didn't go. Long story short, she felt weird bringing me to a small party of her closest friends after only a couple of dates. I thought it was kind of silly, because I probably knew most of the people there, but I wasn't overly concerned. I assured her it wasn't a problem (several times, she kept apologizing and trying to explain). So instead I went down to Nomad (my friend Tres was DJing) and had a great time.
Saturday night Abby and I were supposed to go to a party in Lincoln (but on this one I was the one who had invited her). I got a call from her about 10 minutes before I got to Lincoln to tell me that she wouldn't be going because she was feeling sick. Again, no problem, but a little disappointing. So I went to Lincoln and watched the Nebraska-Oklahoma game (which the Huskers blew) and went to the party and generally had a fun time. I ran into a lot of old friends and acquaintances, which was a nice treat.
The ride home was not so fun. I was just coming into Omaha on the interstate when my back passenger-side tire blew out. Since I was going 60 mph I lost control and hit the concrete barrier on the left side, which sent me into a spin. I hit a couple of those orange cones they bolt down (presumably to slow down cars, which THEY DO) and came to a stop. Luckily I wasn't hurt and there was no one nearby. But my car is pretty fucked up. The back right tire is completely fucked, and the left front tire doesn't look so good either. My alignment is fucked up. And worst of all, the right side of my car is riddled with dents and scrapes. It's going to be expensive as fuck to fix. Luckily the tires are the only thing that need to be sorted immediately, because I'm already going to be tight on money this month as it is with moving and buying Christmas presents.
Sunday I woke up sick, and I've been feeling progressively worse each day since. Last night I went to sleep at 8 and still woke up tired this morning. I haven't gotten any work done all week because of how miserable I feel, and I have a lot of work to get done before I head down to Texas for a meeting on Thursday and Friday. And because my job is so shitty that I don't get sick days, I've had to drag my ass into the office every day. I really just want to curl up into a ball and disappear for a week straight.
So I had my second date with Abby last Wednesday. We started out having coffee, and then went for drinks. It was good, and now I know for sure it's not just a friend thing.
Friday I got approved for my amazing new apartment (unfortunately I won't have pictures of it until I move in - it's so new that the development company doesn't even have it up on their website yet). And on top of that, they're letting me move in on the 27th but won't charge me for any of December. It's a really amazing place - they basically took an old building and completely remodeled it. Gorgeous hardwood floors, a beautiful kitchen, a nice bathroom with a tall showerhead (a low showerhead is a legitimate dealbreaker for me), a washer/dryer and plenty of space. It's only a few blocks away from my current place - so I still get to be close to all of my favorite social spots - but $44/month cheaper. Also, there are only twelve apartments in the building, which I'm hoping means it'll be a little bit more of a friendly community (one of the things that drives me bonkers about my current apartment building is that it feels like a hotel - hardly anybody has even the courtesy to say hi).
I also got a raise on Friday. Only 3%, but a raise nonetheless.
Then things started going wrong.
Friday night I was supposed to go to a party with Abby. It was a birthday party for one of friends from college (and, coincidentally, a guy I sort of knew back in college - we used to go to a lot of the same parties). Friday evening I sent her a text asking her when she wanted to head to the party. She called me shortly thereafter and explained to me that she would prefer it if I didn't go. Long story short, she felt weird bringing me to a small party of her closest friends after only a couple of dates. I thought it was kind of silly, because I probably knew most of the people there, but I wasn't overly concerned. I assured her it wasn't a problem (several times, she kept apologizing and trying to explain). So instead I went down to Nomad (my friend Tres was DJing) and had a great time.
Saturday night Abby and I were supposed to go to a party in Lincoln (but on this one I was the one who had invited her). I got a call from her about 10 minutes before I got to Lincoln to tell me that she wouldn't be going because she was feeling sick. Again, no problem, but a little disappointing. So I went to Lincoln and watched the Nebraska-Oklahoma game (which the Huskers blew) and went to the party and generally had a fun time. I ran into a lot of old friends and acquaintances, which was a nice treat.
The ride home was not so fun. I was just coming into Omaha on the interstate when my back passenger-side tire blew out. Since I was going 60 mph I lost control and hit the concrete barrier on the left side, which sent me into a spin. I hit a couple of those orange cones they bolt down (presumably to slow down cars, which THEY DO) and came to a stop. Luckily I wasn't hurt and there was no one nearby. But my car is pretty fucked up. The back right tire is completely fucked, and the left front tire doesn't look so good either. My alignment is fucked up. And worst of all, the right side of my car is riddled with dents and scrapes. It's going to be expensive as fuck to fix. Luckily the tires are the only thing that need to be sorted immediately, because I'm already going to be tight on money this month as it is with moving and buying Christmas presents.
Sunday I woke up sick, and I've been feeling progressively worse each day since. Last night I went to sleep at 8 and still woke up tired this morning. I haven't gotten any work done all week because of how miserable I feel, and I have a lot of work to get done before I head down to Texas for a meeting on Thursday and Friday. And because my job is so shitty that I don't get sick days, I've had to drag my ass into the office every day. I really just want to curl up into a ball and disappear for a week straight.

well good lucky with Abby, she sounds kind of flakey