So I had a long post typed up about what's happened this last week between me, my ex Dana and her roommate Sheena. But I really can't do it justice in words. Suffice it to say that my life is very complicated right now, and could potentially get even more complicated depending upon how things work out.
A basic rundown is this: last Friday night I admitted my feelings to Sheena, we slept together, slept together again on Sunday night, I told Dana about it on Monday evening and she said she was OK with it, Dana retracted her approval on Tuesday night, Wednesday evening everything blew up, by the end of the day Thursday I was mostly convinced that the whole situation had been manipulated by Sheena for some reason, yesterday Sheena what by all appearances was a very sincere apology and admitted that she does have some level of feelings for me, and today Dana is become more convinced that I'm being manipulated. It's really hard to know who or what to believe right now, because the only two options are either that (a) Sheena is an emotionless sociopath that enjoys playing God with people's lives or that (b) Dana is being completely irrational and paranoid and I might have to cut her out of my life as a friend.
A basic rundown is this: last Friday night I admitted my feelings to Sheena, we slept together, slept together again on Sunday night, I told Dana about it on Monday evening and she said she was OK with it, Dana retracted her approval on Tuesday night, Wednesday evening everything blew up, by the end of the day Thursday I was mostly convinced that the whole situation had been manipulated by Sheena for some reason, yesterday Sheena what by all appearances was a very sincere apology and admitted that she does have some level of feelings for me, and today Dana is become more convinced that I'm being manipulated. It's really hard to know who or what to believe right now, because the only two options are either that (a) Sheena is an emotionless sociopath that enjoys playing God with people's lives or that (b) Dana is being completely irrational and paranoid and I might have to cut her out of my life as a friend.