Todays been really good, went to look at helmets for my husband and to look for stuff to get the house ready for the kitten. Im really excited about them both yeah i know it may seem weird but I love cats and have wanted on for a very long time, I havnt had one since I was little. The bike is gonna take some getting used to tho, im really scared that my husband is gonna get ran over or wreck. But I think the fear will go away when I see that he can ride it good. I havnt ever been on a motorcycle so its gonna take some getting used to alot LOL ill be ok tho. So todays been really good. We go to the bank tomorrow and see if we are approved i have a really good feeling about this. Whats everyone up to today? I hope you all had a great day.

The balance of a 500cc bike was very different from a 125cc when making tight turns on roundabouts.