I've been suffering from depression since I was 12. And this last 4 years it has increased in very severe depression. I slept all day and ate only 1 meal a day and lost more than 10 kilos 😔🫠I've had 4 psychotherapies tried 20 treatments and nothing has worked, unfortunately. My psychologist and psychiatrist advised me to go to hospital, but I was very scared... It took me 4 months to make up my mind and I almost did something a nonsense (TS)
Today, thanks to my 2 months in hospital and my treatments, I'm stable and trying to get back into the networks to earn a living. Because I'm handicapped and borderline. I've applied to the mdph for help but I have to wait 1 year 🥲😵
I need your support to survive but also to give me the confidence to do sets again. I hope one day.💗☺️
Thanks to my friend @skydot to love me and accept my handicape.
Xoxo Lovia thanks for your support 💗