god. i'm back home from Atlanta. It was a great trip, but I'm definatley happy to be at the parentals place for a few days before heading back to Orlando, where cleaning and furniture assembly await me
How are you crazy kids?
Me? Oh, I'm alright. I'm dead tired, my hair is faded and shitty, and I've got the sniffles. Other than that, I can't complain.
This week:
♥ Help the boy shoot Norma_Jean's set, which is basically going to be amazing.
♥ Assemble bookshelf and desk for room. I'm such a DIY-er!
♥ Buy some books for school...gross.
♥ Buy/put up curtains and room-darkening shades for my room. I'm not fond of being woken up at 6 AM every damn day when the sun decides to rise. Fuck off, sun--I want to sleep.
♥ Hopefully be social on Saturday and attend Gonzoe's suaree that evening.
In other Lovesome-related news:
♥ I got a fucking A in my fiction writing workshop, bitches! I got an e-mail from my professor telling me that I was the only person in the class to get a perfect score on my story revision. Yeah, I'm basically awesome. It makes you feel so good to get positive reinforcement concerning something you love doing.
♥ My puppy got his first haircut! He's so handsome, and I can actually see his eyes now. Upgrade!
♥ Tristan's second set, which PhotoJoe shot got the "we really like it, and we'll work on it and let you know" e-mail yesterday, which is fucking rad. How does this concern me? I helped at the shoot and during post-processing, bitches! I'm a happy helper, and you'll be happy people once her set goes live.
♥ Um...I bought Absinthe on the cruise, and will hopefully try it sometime this week. Anyone ever drank it before? Am I going to hallucinate?
I think that's it for now. I'm in the middle of planning a trip to NYC for the middle of October, but I'm too tired to finish doing the research. I'm such a jet-setter these days!
Okay, time for bed. A massive picture update is soon to follow this one, so keep those eyes peeled. Well, not literally. You know what I mean.
ex ♥ oh

How are you crazy kids?
Me? Oh, I'm alright. I'm dead tired, my hair is faded and shitty, and I've got the sniffles. Other than that, I can't complain.
This week:
♥ Help the boy shoot Norma_Jean's set, which is basically going to be amazing.
♥ Assemble bookshelf and desk for room. I'm such a DIY-er!
♥ Buy some books for school...gross.
♥ Buy/put up curtains and room-darkening shades for my room. I'm not fond of being woken up at 6 AM every damn day when the sun decides to rise. Fuck off, sun--I want to sleep.
♥ Hopefully be social on Saturday and attend Gonzoe's suaree that evening.
In other Lovesome-related news:
♥ I got a fucking A in my fiction writing workshop, bitches! I got an e-mail from my professor telling me that I was the only person in the class to get a perfect score on my story revision. Yeah, I'm basically awesome. It makes you feel so good to get positive reinforcement concerning something you love doing.
♥ My puppy got his first haircut! He's so handsome, and I can actually see his eyes now. Upgrade!
♥ Tristan's second set, which PhotoJoe shot got the "we really like it, and we'll work on it and let you know" e-mail yesterday, which is fucking rad. How does this concern me? I helped at the shoot and during post-processing, bitches! I'm a happy helper, and you'll be happy people once her set goes live.
♥ Um...I bought Absinthe on the cruise, and will hopefully try it sometime this week. Anyone ever drank it before? Am I going to hallucinate?
I think that's it for now. I'm in the middle of planning a trip to NYC for the middle of October, but I'm too tired to finish doing the research. I'm such a jet-setter these days!
Okay, time for bed. A massive picture update is soon to follow this one, so keep those eyes peeled. Well, not literally. You know what I mean.
ex ♥ oh
maybe it's the 14th...i can't remember. anyway, i'll be there at the beginning of november!
Some times I like the way my hair color fades....