omg. i missed the fuck out of everyone on SG! i've been such a bad friend this past week, seeing as I was in the middle of the ocean and couldn't update a grandiose amount, but I'll make it up to you. I promise.
How, you ask?
With a picture update, of course!
First off, my vacation was absolutley spectacular. PhotoJoe and I had an amazing time on the cruise. The islands were beautiful, the ship was huge, and the food was AMAZING. However, due to the amazing food, I am never eating AGAIN because I think I ate a metric ton of it on that boat
Anyhows. I'm back on dry land and happy to be home. I'm in the midst of unpacking all my belongings and settling into the house. Yesterday I organized the entire kitchen--hooray! I even made up an organize-by-numbers system for our tupperware. Yes, I am a dork.
On Friday, PhotoJoe and I leave Orlando again for Atlanta this time, to go visit his dad. I've never been to Atlanta before, so that town better show me a damn good time. If there are any crazy SG people in Atlanta that want to get together while we're up there, send me a message! We'll be there a whole week. Exciting, eh?
Alright, back to the pictures.
ooh la la, so pensive.
i don't know what i'm doing in this picture. i guess the sky is falling or something? either way, this is in Puerto Rico.
hahaha i suck at drinking.
oh my god, i don't even know what i'm doing in this picture. acting retarded? yep, i think that's about right.
OMG SO GOTHIC. PhotoJoe is taking my picture in front of a seaside graveyard omgomgomg.
no update would be complete without a cam whore picture!
uh-oh...another one.
I found this stuffed bunny in a can to be so amusing. It was in this little gift shop in Puerto Rico, which also had buffalo, chickens, and alligators in a can.
I look happy, but I'm sad to be leaving St. Thomas. It was so beautiful there.
Holy shit that's a closeup of my face!
When I get drunk, I bust out the ridiculous faces. Oh, who am I kidding...even when I'm sober I have silly faces
I haven't updated with that many pictures in quite a while. Aren't you proud? Well, I've got more!
Check out...
My hot room!
One of my nightstands. My dad hand-painted all my furniture for me, including the roses. He's the best
Sigh. I love my bedroom so much. Now only if it would clean itself!
Well kids, that's all I've got for you today. I have some unpacking to do, as well as waiting for the UPS man to deliver my desk and bookshelf that I get to put together later tonight. FUN TIMES. Tomorrow I'm hanging out with Norma_Jean to talk about her set and do fun girlie things. I know you're jealous.
I loff you guys like whoa. It feels good to be back in the vicinity of a computer so I can get my SG fix 24/7...speaking of which, did you see the Apnea+Benni set today? All I have to say about that is meow.

omg. i missed the fuck out of everyone on SG! i've been such a bad friend this past week, seeing as I was in the middle of the ocean and couldn't update a grandiose amount, but I'll make it up to you. I promise.
How, you ask?
With a picture update, of course!
First off, my vacation was absolutley spectacular. PhotoJoe and I had an amazing time on the cruise. The islands were beautiful, the ship was huge, and the food was AMAZING. However, due to the amazing food, I am never eating AGAIN because I think I ate a metric ton of it on that boat

Anyhows. I'm back on dry land and happy to be home. I'm in the midst of unpacking all my belongings and settling into the house. Yesterday I organized the entire kitchen--hooray! I even made up an organize-by-numbers system for our tupperware. Yes, I am a dork.
On Friday, PhotoJoe and I leave Orlando again for Atlanta this time, to go visit his dad. I've never been to Atlanta before, so that town better show me a damn good time. If there are any crazy SG people in Atlanta that want to get together while we're up there, send me a message! We'll be there a whole week. Exciting, eh?
Alright, back to the pictures.

ooh la la, so pensive.

i don't know what i'm doing in this picture. i guess the sky is falling or something? either way, this is in Puerto Rico.

hahaha i suck at drinking.

oh my god, i don't even know what i'm doing in this picture. acting retarded? yep, i think that's about right.

OMG SO GOTHIC. PhotoJoe is taking my picture in front of a seaside graveyard omgomgomg.

no update would be complete without a cam whore picture!

uh-oh...another one.

I found this stuffed bunny in a can to be so amusing. It was in this little gift shop in Puerto Rico, which also had buffalo, chickens, and alligators in a can.

I look happy, but I'm sad to be leaving St. Thomas. It was so beautiful there.

Holy shit that's a closeup of my face!

When I get drunk, I bust out the ridiculous faces. Oh, who am I kidding...even when I'm sober I have silly faces

I haven't updated with that many pictures in quite a while. Aren't you proud? Well, I've got more!
Check out...

My hot room!

One of my nightstands. My dad hand-painted all my furniture for me, including the roses. He's the best

Sigh. I love my bedroom so much. Now only if it would clean itself!
Well kids, that's all I've got for you today. I have some unpacking to do, as well as waiting for the UPS man to deliver my desk and bookshelf that I get to put together later tonight. FUN TIMES. Tomorrow I'm hanging out with Norma_Jean to talk about her set and do fun girlie things. I know you're jealous.
I loff you guys like whoa. It feels good to be back in the vicinity of a computer so I can get my SG fix 24/7...speaking of which, did you see the Apnea+Benni set today? All I have to say about that is meow.
How did your college work go in the end, did you get good grades??
Aww your look too cute.I wana kiss your face so much