I've been sucking like whoa about this whole updating thing. Due to the fact that both of my computers decided to suck horribly and bite the dust at almost the exact same time, I haven't had time to be the little SG addict that we all know I am. I know, it's sad. But hopefully, at least ONE of them will be fixed soon, and then life will resume its' normal course: my being on the computer all day, updating my journal with fun fun pictures and commenting on all your lovely journals with my crazy heart webdings thing ♥
So what's new, you ask?
Not too terribly much. SGFL camping trip was this past weekend, and due to the combination of never-ending rain and me feeling like blech, I only went out and chilled with everyone for a few hours. I met...
♥ Adore and her boyfriend themightydog, both of whom are lovely people who I hope to see again soon
♥ sick_girl, who is cool, funny, and uber-pretty all in one fell swoop
♥ Niamh, who has an adorable dog and the most gorgeous red hair and alabaster complexion I've ever seen
♥ k_kat, who I didn't get to chill with for long, but is probably the cutest girl I've ever seen in my life
♥ XSinonSkinX's dog Napoleon, who is the cutest damn thing I've ever seen
♥ PyroGrrl's dog, Caesar, who enjoyed digging in the dirt...a LOT.
Ahh, good times. I wish I could have stayed, but I felt gross and the weather was shitty. When I got back to my apartment, I watched PhotoJoe and my roomate's boyfriend play some video game where rappers beat the shit out of each other. I wanted to play and be Flavor Flav.
We went to the Orlando Ale House for dinner last night, and PhotoJoe and my roomie's boy ordered this gargantuan MOUNTAIN of chicken nachos. I mean, this thing was at least a quarter the size of our table. I bet them that if they could eat the whole thing, that I'd buy their dinner. Well, they ate it all, and proceeded to vomit not too long afterwards. Crazy boys and their inability to turn down a bet!
Things with me are pretty good these days. I really need to get a job, but my inherent laziness seems to prevent me from doing so. This week, I think I'll put in some applications around town. I'm almost nearing desperation for an income, so I'll work nearly anywhere. Key word: nearly.
My roommates and I just started painting the new house we're mobing into in less than a month. I was a painting virgin until this past week, but I'm a total pro now. The inside living room has three light blue walls, one light green wall, and two beige walls. I know it sounds confusing, but there's a lot of walls, damnit! We're painting the kitchen candy apple red
I can't wait!
My room is going to be light and dark pink pinstripes, with a 2-inch white stripe seperating the colors. God, it's going to be sexual. A veritable den of sin! I'll definately post pictures when I'm done. The owners of the house just laid wood flooring down in my room, and I'm far too stoked for words. Gah, my room is going to be le HOT.
I want one of these:
Will someone buy me a great white shark and a big enough cage to keep him in? I'll love you forever.
Tonight I'm going to hang out with le boy, and tomorrow is fun fun furniture shopping. Wish me luck on finding an all black, all wood bedroom set!
Ibar possibly Thursday, but definately another update before then.
I love all you crazy kids!
So what's new, you ask?
Not too terribly much. SGFL camping trip was this past weekend, and due to the combination of never-ending rain and me feeling like blech, I only went out and chilled with everyone for a few hours. I met...
♥ Adore and her boyfriend themightydog, both of whom are lovely people who I hope to see again soon
♥ sick_girl, who is cool, funny, and uber-pretty all in one fell swoop
♥ Niamh, who has an adorable dog and the most gorgeous red hair and alabaster complexion I've ever seen
♥ k_kat, who I didn't get to chill with for long, but is probably the cutest girl I've ever seen in my life
♥ XSinonSkinX's dog Napoleon, who is the cutest damn thing I've ever seen
♥ PyroGrrl's dog, Caesar, who enjoyed digging in the dirt...a LOT.
Ahh, good times. I wish I could have stayed, but I felt gross and the weather was shitty. When I got back to my apartment, I watched PhotoJoe and my roomate's boyfriend play some video game where rappers beat the shit out of each other. I wanted to play and be Flavor Flav.
We went to the Orlando Ale House for dinner last night, and PhotoJoe and my roomie's boy ordered this gargantuan MOUNTAIN of chicken nachos. I mean, this thing was at least a quarter the size of our table. I bet them that if they could eat the whole thing, that I'd buy their dinner. Well, they ate it all, and proceeded to vomit not too long afterwards. Crazy boys and their inability to turn down a bet!
Things with me are pretty good these days. I really need to get a job, but my inherent laziness seems to prevent me from doing so. This week, I think I'll put in some applications around town. I'm almost nearing desperation for an income, so I'll work nearly anywhere. Key word: nearly.
My roommates and I just started painting the new house we're mobing into in less than a month. I was a painting virgin until this past week, but I'm a total pro now. The inside living room has three light blue walls, one light green wall, and two beige walls. I know it sounds confusing, but there's a lot of walls, damnit! We're painting the kitchen candy apple red

My room is going to be light and dark pink pinstripes, with a 2-inch white stripe seperating the colors. God, it's going to be sexual. A veritable den of sin! I'll definately post pictures when I'm done. The owners of the house just laid wood flooring down in my room, and I'm far too stoked for words. Gah, my room is going to be le HOT.
I want one of these:

Will someone buy me a great white shark and a big enough cage to keep him in? I'll love you forever.
Tonight I'm going to hang out with le boy, and tomorrow is fun fun furniture shopping. Wish me luck on finding an all black, all wood bedroom set!
Ibar possibly Thursday, but definately another update before then.
I love all you crazy kids!
Didn't I give you my cell number? Do not fear to use it. Wedding plans cannot hold me back, unless my mother's here.

hot pictures of maria oh oh oh!