hi. i lose at updating. i know.
but i'm kind of winning at life! so that's good!
here's a brief recap:
...i got a second job making so much more money than my other job, for doing virtually nothing except answer phones and play online. love it.
...i just got back from visiting Perdita last weekend! it was amazing. AMAZING. zomg. i miss her so much already. we had way too much fun! i'll be posting a long journal about that trip soon, but the highlights definitely included a plethora of pizza, johnny cupcakes, and hearing grissom from csi say 'cunt' about 42 times with an irish accent.
...my puppy is getting so big! well, not really. he's still ubersmall, but he weighs a whole three pounds now! he's definitely grown out of his docile stage from when we first got him! he's a little hellion now, and he has SO MUCH ENERGY. he's the cutest!
...school is OVER! thank god. i honestly didn't think i was going to survive this semester, and i barely did, but somehow i stuck it out and managed to get fairly decent grades. only one more semester left of college, baby! that is EXCITING.
life is good. very, very busy, but very, very good. i'll elaborate more later. i PROMISE.
here's me on my balcony about a month ago. it's no longer warm enough for short-sleeved shirts! yay cold weather.

but i'm kind of winning at life! so that's good!
here's a brief recap:
...i got a second job making so much more money than my other job, for doing virtually nothing except answer phones and play online. love it.
...i just got back from visiting Perdita last weekend! it was amazing. AMAZING. zomg. i miss her so much already. we had way too much fun! i'll be posting a long journal about that trip soon, but the highlights definitely included a plethora of pizza, johnny cupcakes, and hearing grissom from csi say 'cunt' about 42 times with an irish accent.
...my puppy is getting so big! well, not really. he's still ubersmall, but he weighs a whole three pounds now! he's definitely grown out of his docile stage from when we first got him! he's a little hellion now, and he has SO MUCH ENERGY. he's the cutest!
...school is OVER! thank god. i honestly didn't think i was going to survive this semester, and i barely did, but somehow i stuck it out and managed to get fairly decent grades. only one more semester left of college, baby! that is EXCITING.
life is good. very, very busy, but very, very good. i'll elaborate more later. i PROMISE.
here's me on my balcony about a month ago. it's no longer warm enough for short-sleeved shirts! yay cold weather.

i'm going to go win at email now.