ahhhhh happy belated holiday goodness!
i hope all your respective holiday celebrations were fabulous. i know mine have been wonderful--first, Santa came yesterday morning and brought me such fun things as a set of pink luggage, perfume, pajamas, and lip gloss, but THEN the sun set and ushered in the first of eight night of everyone's favorite dreidle-spinning holiday, Hannukah. Last night I got a sewing machine from the parents, which is utterly amazing. Expect fabulous creations from me.
Tonight I got an alarm clock that not only allows me to wake up to the awesome selection of music on my adorable pink ipod, but it also charges that damn thing. Pretty swift. I've been tinkering with it all evening.
I'm sorry I've been such a scmuck about updating, responding to comments, and posting pictures. The past few weeks have been sheer insanity and nonstop work/responsibilities. It's nice to be at home with my parents and relax for a few days before school starts again and the madness inevitably ensues. My oh-so-entertaining picture updates are set to make a comeback soon, you have my word.
My boy who is also my friend, PhotoJoe is in Atlanta for the week visitng his fam. We exchanged presents the previous night, and am happy to say that I am the proud owner of awesome things. Namely, a stuffed animal great white shark, which rocked my damn face off. If you know me, you know that I love great whites more than anything else in the world (well, besides yorkies), so that was awesome.
I also got some great movies, a few cool pieces of art (can you say three foot tall decorative martini glass?), but the most exciting present was yet to come.
I couldn't unwrap this present. In fact, it wasn't even tangible. But, the boy told me that he opened a savings account in our names for us to save up to go on a vacation together, and he started it off with a whopping $250! That's so fucking amazing. Traveling is my life, and I couldn't ask for a better person to see the world with. So, now I ask you: where to? Where do you suggest me trekking to?
There's a possibility that I might go visit the amazing and gorgeous Finch sometime in the near future. I miss and love her so much. Be jealous.
Go wish my favorite scrabble opponent norma_jean a belated happy birthday. She got me classy martini glasses for Xxxmas. I loff her.
What will the remaining nights of Hannukah bring to our latke-eating heroine? Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of...
As the Dreidle Turns.
hahahaha i'm such a dork. and you LOVE IT.
i hope all your respective holiday celebrations were fabulous. i know mine have been wonderful--first, Santa came yesterday morning and brought me such fun things as a set of pink luggage, perfume, pajamas, and lip gloss, but THEN the sun set and ushered in the first of eight night of everyone's favorite dreidle-spinning holiday, Hannukah. Last night I got a sewing machine from the parents, which is utterly amazing. Expect fabulous creations from me.
Tonight I got an alarm clock that not only allows me to wake up to the awesome selection of music on my adorable pink ipod, but it also charges that damn thing. Pretty swift. I've been tinkering with it all evening.
I'm sorry I've been such a scmuck about updating, responding to comments, and posting pictures. The past few weeks have been sheer insanity and nonstop work/responsibilities. It's nice to be at home with my parents and relax for a few days before school starts again and the madness inevitably ensues. My oh-so-entertaining picture updates are set to make a comeback soon, you have my word.
My boy who is also my friend, PhotoJoe is in Atlanta for the week visitng his fam. We exchanged presents the previous night, and am happy to say that I am the proud owner of awesome things. Namely, a stuffed animal great white shark, which rocked my damn face off. If you know me, you know that I love great whites more than anything else in the world (well, besides yorkies), so that was awesome.
I also got some great movies, a few cool pieces of art (can you say three foot tall decorative martini glass?), but the most exciting present was yet to come.
I couldn't unwrap this present. In fact, it wasn't even tangible. But, the boy told me that he opened a savings account in our names for us to save up to go on a vacation together, and he started it off with a whopping $250! That's so fucking amazing. Traveling is my life, and I couldn't ask for a better person to see the world with. So, now I ask you: where to? Where do you suggest me trekking to?

There's a possibility that I might go visit the amazing and gorgeous Finch sometime in the near future. I miss and love her so much. Be jealous.
Go wish my favorite scrabble opponent norma_jean a belated happy birthday. She got me classy martini glasses for Xxxmas. I loff her.
What will the remaining nights of Hannukah bring to our latke-eating heroine? Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of...
As the Dreidle Turns.
hahahaha i'm such a dork. and you LOVE IT.
& yes, the faint and white oleander = le greatness, i'm glad you agree!
you look oddly familiar to me. like someone i went to elementary with. who got piercings. and dyed thier hair. go figure.
now hows that for random?