When reading this question, the answer came to mind instantly. If I were to pick any artist in all of history to create a fan art piece of me, that artist would be none other than Alex Pardee.
I love his work so much that I even got one of his pieces tattooed on me:
I've been such a fan of his work ever since I was a preteen girl listening to The Used albums on repeat. He's done album art for them, as well as one of my favorite rappers (Aesop Rock).
You might actually recognize one of these album covers:
What I enjoy most about Alex Pardee's art is that it's completely unique. The art style is truly one of a kind. I love the gritty and gory look to it. What makes it more interesting is that he's created his own universe of creepy characters. It's like some kind of emo art version of the MCU.
There was even an early 2000's web-series called "Chadam" which brought his characters to life inside of a world where a pallid villain is preying on the talent of creative people and literally sucking the color out of the universe. It was made with Unreal Engine, so it kind of plays out like a video game in a really cool way. That's the best way I can describe it, so you should probably just go and watch that web-series for yourself.
He does these creepy renditions of other animated characters - and these just make me wonder how it might look if he made fan-art of me:
I could honestly go on for hours in a detailed essay about how much I like this artists work. Do you have a favorite artist? Who would you want to make fan-art of you?
Thank you for the fun blog homework @PENNY@MISSY & @LUST ๐๐๐