"I think we all agree that the female body is a beautiful thing. It's poetic-- the inspiration behind much of the art of human history. It's familiar-- our first home before we were all born. It's mysterious-- a yoni only hinting at what lies within. It's powerful-- the keeper and sustainer of life, a symbol of the formless womb that envelops the entirety of ultimate reality
It's also incredibly stigmatized.
Many of us are taught from an early age that it is shameful-- we must cover ourselves up in front of anyone except for our husbands, our husbands who own our sexuality. Do not touch yourself there, make sure these parts are always amply covered, oh the embarrassment if anyone should ever dart a glance at your nakedness while you're caught unawares! Your body is dangerous. You could cause a man to commit sin!
On top of this shame is added that of not possessing the ideal female body. We are fed lies of what is and is not desirable, consumed by self-loathing when we realize that we will never attain the air-brushed status of society's fantasies.
Because, you see, fantasies are generated by the viewer, and they are most easily projected on a blank canvas. A woman with clean, hairless skin, free of ink or unconventional piercings. A woman with long, thick hair, styled to please others. A woman with a porn star body and makeup that makes her look... Perfectly pretty. Adorably submissive. Devastatingly generic. Fairest of them all.
Now, there is nothing wrong about a woman wanting to express herself by presenting in this way. If these ideals happen to fit her own, she should feel free to reflect them. The troubling issue arises when women are made to feel inadequate or even worthless when they fail to mold themselves into pleasing cookie-cutter fashion.
Now, what happens when a woman does fit the ideals of society's fantasies?
Well, maybe she can use this form to do what female forms do best-- she can use it to seduce. She could seduce lovers, maybe even for money, but then she would be a whore (whether she decided to give her love for money or from generosity), and society hates whores. If she decided to do porn, it would be more likely than not that she would be seen as only a sexual object, devoid of dreams, passions, and intellect.
She can seduce customers.
Selling sex is entirely improper, but using a sexy woman to sell your products-- that's profitable. Finally, women have a use for their sexuality. And it's empowering, isn't it? She gets to make money strutting her stuff.
Except, there's still the problem of her not being entirely decent because, well, she's not covered up all the time, and her body is still female and therefore inherently shameful and dangerous. There's also the issue of the products she's selling. That shallow bitch, she's generating even more materialism! That slut, doesn't she know that those clothes she's promoting were made in a sweatshop using child labor? That cunt, the makeup she's advertising is loaded with carcinogens!
Fuck that shit.
SuicideGirls smashes the stigma of the female body to shreds. Nude female bodies are appreciated, celebrated, even worshipped. Shame is replaced with pride in a woman owning her body and using it to express whatever the fuck she wants. Girls are encouraged to wear whatever makes them feel sexiest and to create sets that allow their personalities to shine through. Outside of these sets, these girls showcase their dreams, passions, and intellect through blog posts, videos, and interaction within the SG community.
The quirks that make a girl unique, that separate her from the blank canvas-- the tattoos, the piercings, the wild hair colors and haircuts, as well as the stretchmarks, the scars, the variety in coloring and body type-- these are precisely the things that SG's members find worth admiring. SuicideGirls are perfectly quirky. Adorably subversive. Devastatingly sexy. And none are the fairest of them all, because they reject the notion that one girl can be objectively more beautiful than another-- a woman who has the freedom to express herself just as she is is beautiful in a way that cannot be replicated and cannot be compared.
These women are then free to promote whatever they choose to get behind, or to promote nothing at all. No one owns their sexuality-- no man, no corporation.
It's like a swift kick to the balls of the patriarchy"