I have finally decided to get off my arse and lose some weight. I have really been inspired by Phantasy as she has been working her butt off (literally). The effort is really starting to show for her. I have been going to the gym and running on the treadmill, I have done all this before but never lasted. Something is different this time, I have always sucumbed to excuses in the past. Things like "I can eat these chips at the barbeque because I will work it off" (you never do). I have always started strong and drifted back into old habits.
It is early days yet, but Phantasy's commitment has pushed me. I am baby sitting a bunch of kids while Phantasy goes out to dinner with a friend. There are chips and crap here for the kids and I have been able to resist, this is new for me as I am a chipoholic. I never buy them because I can't stop eating them when they are there, but everyone always brings them to parties or barbeques. Anyway tonight is the first time I have held off, I opened the packet to dump them in a bowl for the kids and the smell hit me in the face, mmmmmm. But no, I have not touched any and will not. So this time I have realised that I either learn to control what I eat or I will be fat and 40, very soon. I quit smoking cold turkey so junk food should be a snap.
On another note, I have been getting the most out of the quads while I can. We have them up for sale in preparation for the move to Victor Harbor. It looks like Kayla's is sold, still trying for mine. We have been going down to the river and playing around with a few mates who have quads too. Last weekend we were going down river (in the middle of it) and the quad in front suddenly disappeared, deep spot. It didn't take long to get it out and running again but we we gave a lot of stick to the driver...fun day.
Here is our daughter Kayla having a go..
It is early days yet, but Phantasy's commitment has pushed me. I am baby sitting a bunch of kids while Phantasy goes out to dinner with a friend. There are chips and crap here for the kids and I have been able to resist, this is new for me as I am a chipoholic. I never buy them because I can't stop eating them when they are there, but everyone always brings them to parties or barbeques. Anyway tonight is the first time I have held off, I opened the packet to dump them in a bowl for the kids and the smell hit me in the face, mmmmmm. But no, I have not touched any and will not. So this time I have realised that I either learn to control what I eat or I will be fat and 40, very soon. I quit smoking cold turkey so junk food should be a snap.
On another note, I have been getting the most out of the quads while I can. We have them up for sale in preparation for the move to Victor Harbor. It looks like Kayla's is sold, still trying for mine. We have been going down to the river and playing around with a few mates who have quads too. Last weekend we were going down river (in the middle of it) and the quad in front suddenly disappeared, deep spot. It didn't take long to get it out and running again but we we gave a lot of stick to the driver...fun day.
Here is our daughter Kayla having a go..
Love you!

You should really know about this!