thank you all for being lovely.Well its all ready Friday another couple of weekes and il be over it and getting back to normaal i hope!I know it isnt me for what ever reason hes finished it,its all in his mind and its his loss.his mum and sister have said i was the best thing to happen to him and if he doesnt want that then i cant help him.i hope one day he can be happy and find someone he can trust and be happy with .i just wish it had been me.
but time to start moving forward i hope............a good reason to get off my arse and get back on track.Get a job and decide what to do from there.i know this is a difficult time when i feel most alone so im going to be be stone dfor a few weekends while im not busy and then i think im giving drugs and drink up for good.I had arubbish night last night but i feel that this is a turning point now and i just have to accept his gone for good.i can do it!

but time to start moving forward i hope............a good reason to get off my arse and get back on track.Get a job and decide what to do from there.i know this is a difficult time when i feel most alone so im going to be be stone dfor a few weekends while im not busy and then i think im giving drugs and drink up for good.I had arubbish night last night but i feel that this is a turning point now and i just have to accept his gone for good.i can do it!
Like I said, if there's somewhere for me to crash out I don't mind travelling. I just can't handle travelling when fucked!
take care and have a great weekend..