I GRADUATED!!!!!!!!!! Yup I finaly did it! They even let me go a week earlier! So now, I am going to take a much needed mental break, no more driving an hour to and from school everyday! No more crappy food out of a vending machine! No more bad experiments on my hair! No more boring lectures on state procedures.......uuuggghhhhh! So now I am planning on taking a few weeks off from doing anything! I will however be working on a new line of DeeLux shirts, perfectly sweet and cute for winter. If you are local Ithacan check em out at Tuff Soul, or Petrune Vintage! So besides the piles of endless sewing work and friends begging for hair stuff, I had a super wickedly awesome halloween! Did you guys?
After taking the wee one trick or treating, I ended up going to the state theatre where they projected night of the living dead up on a huge screen! It was awesome! Thanks to some freinds who had been working on it up till the last minute, it was a total success! However I have to admit that after trick or treating with th kiddies, and slippingin to the night time nurse outfit and bumping into my ex, well both of them on the way out of the house, I needed to slip out of the theatre to get a much needed drink. So needless to say I never ended up watch the end of the show, I did however meet a great guy named Bob, who is this fabulous gay hairdresser..........after some disgusting Rumplemintz shots bought by dear bob, we became instant BFF!!!!!
The friends eventually found me hovering over the bar with Bob and after a few more threw me in the van and took me down to the Guar cover band Halloween show thing........good times! I guess after kissing just about everyone in sight, I settled in next to some friends, luckily sober big guys that kept me from falling off the deck into the inlet! I dont remember much after that point, but I did lose my nurse hat and nurse hair bow! I geuss that is to be expected. So for the next night, Day of the Dead, I ended up having to throw together a last minute cosmic, bunny costume. All in all I had a great halloween!
How was yours?

After taking the wee one trick or treating, I ended up going to the state theatre where they projected night of the living dead up on a huge screen! It was awesome! Thanks to some freinds who had been working on it up till the last minute, it was a total success! However I have to admit that after trick or treating with th kiddies, and slippingin to the night time nurse outfit and bumping into my ex, well both of them on the way out of the house, I needed to slip out of the theatre to get a much needed drink. So needless to say I never ended up watch the end of the show, I did however meet a great guy named Bob, who is this fabulous gay hairdresser..........after some disgusting Rumplemintz shots bought by dear bob, we became instant BFF!!!!!
The friends eventually found me hovering over the bar with Bob and after a few more threw me in the van and took me down to the Guar cover band Halloween show thing........good times! I guess after kissing just about everyone in sight, I settled in next to some friends, luckily sober big guys that kept me from falling off the deck into the inlet! I dont remember much after that point, but I did lose my nurse hat and nurse hair bow! I geuss that is to be expected. So for the next night, Day of the Dead, I ended up having to throw together a last minute cosmic, bunny costume. All in all I had a great halloween!
How was yours?

I sent you a PM a while back. Check it out.