Happy Monday SG land!
After Saturday I am just so happy to be alive
As some of you know a good friend of ours threw us a bachelor/bachelorette party at a strip club in Detroit. I bought a killer pair of heels for the occassion.

It made me feel so blessed to realize just how many people care about us. There were many people there that I didn't think would make it and yet, there they were.
I didn't realize that when a party was thrown for you...EVERYBODY buys you a shot! Every time I turned around there was another shot waiting for me to drink. The dancers were gorgeous...and once I was drunk enough I turned into one
I was so busy (and drunk) I didn't get a chance to make a video or take photos
However, one of the party guests did catch me in action.......

One of my staff members here at work has a dog that just had a litter of puppies and I am sooooo tempted to take one when they're ready. My daughter has been dying to have a pet and you can tell she misses her old dog (had to give her to a friend because she was a bully breed and they weren't allowed where we live
yet she was the sweetest most harmless dog ever!)....but these dogs will only grow up to be about 15 lbs (maybe)

As I promised...here are a couple pictures of my new hair...nothing big changed, just lightened up the blonde underneath more so it's basically white now and put more pink in to brighten it.....

Side bar....my bestest friend in SG land finally had her debut set come out in member review this weekend....please go show Fletching some undying love
It's 4 p.m. and do you know what that means? I have 1 hour of work left today and 9 tomorrow and I'm officially on vacation for 14 days!!!! Please don't forget about me, and since I probably won't have access to a computer, don't hate me if I don't respond until I get home. It would be the best Christmas/Wedding gift ever if I turned PINK *hint hint* or at least hit 1000 comments *HINT HINT* lol (you can do that here...http://suicidegirls.com/members/LoveLi/albums/site/26517/)
Now my favoritest part of the day....
dun dun dun
Monday's SG crush of the day is Silvia

Monday's HOPEFUL crush of the day is Licca

Monday's DUO that I'd like to make a trio is Machete & Carrina

*whew* le sigh, a girl can wish right?
Is it weird that I always ponder on whether or not I'll have anything interesting enough to talk about on a blog? I do it more now to chronicle my thoughts and be able to look back on them.
Either way, I'm glad some of you take the time to read them and comment as well. Makes me feel luuuuvved

I hope everybody is having a wonderful day!
After Saturday I am just so happy to be alive

It made me feel so blessed to realize just how many people care about us. There were many people there that I didn't think would make it and yet, there they were.
I didn't realize that when a party was thrown for you...EVERYBODY buys you a shot! Every time I turned around there was another shot waiting for me to drink. The dancers were gorgeous...and once I was drunk enough I turned into one

I was so busy (and drunk) I didn't get a chance to make a video or take photos

One of my staff members here at work has a dog that just had a litter of puppies and I am sooooo tempted to take one when they're ready. My daughter has been dying to have a pet and you can tell she misses her old dog (had to give her to a friend because she was a bully breed and they weren't allowed where we live

As I promised...here are a couple pictures of my new hair...nothing big changed, just lightened up the blonde underneath more so it's basically white now and put more pink in to brighten it.....

Side bar....my bestest friend in SG land finally had her debut set come out in member review this weekend....please go show Fletching some undying love

It's 4 p.m. and do you know what that means? I have 1 hour of work left today and 9 tomorrow and I'm officially on vacation for 14 days!!!! Please don't forget about me, and since I probably won't have access to a computer, don't hate me if I don't respond until I get home. It would be the best Christmas/Wedding gift ever if I turned PINK *hint hint* or at least hit 1000 comments *HINT HINT* lol (you can do that here...http://suicidegirls.com/members/LoveLi/albums/site/26517/)
Now my favoritest part of the day....
dun dun dun
Monday's SG crush of the day is Silvia

Monday's HOPEFUL crush of the day is Licca

Monday's DUO that I'd like to make a trio is Machete & Carrina

*whew* le sigh, a girl can wish right?
Is it weird that I always ponder on whether or not I'll have anything interesting enough to talk about on a blog? I do it more now to chronicle my thoughts and be able to look back on them.
Either way, I'm glad some of you take the time to read them and comment as well. Makes me feel luuuuvved

I hope everybody is having a wonderful day!
meanwhile, how was your new years?!